Title: Time.
Fandom: The X Files
Character(s) or Pairing: Dana Scully
Prompt: #005 "Time"
Rating: PG
Summary: Scully muses on the definition and essence of time
Word Count: 152
Written for
philosophy_20 "Time flows. It's presence nether tense nor alarming.
Why do we have time. We made it up that is for certain.
Time is a man made concept. Not one which came from heaven.
Do we wish to see time as a gift, or something that hurries us...drives us forward towards our goals and our destiny.
Perhaps we see it as a counter, a measure of life in this galaxy.
Or perhaps we see it as a pain, that we are caught between the clocks tick.
Time, as the world has shaped it, controls everything we do, have and become.
Perhaps without this notion of time we could acheive more.
Perhaps without the constrains which time throws upon us, we could be more.
Einstine's twin paradox states (basically) that one person moving through time would age quicker than one who dosn't.
Perhaps Einstine was on the right track, perhaps time is a paradox."