so far so close

Nov 19, 2007 14:26

i'm no good & you're no better;
(wouldn't we be perfect together?)

Near the bus stop, a woman was carrying
red chrysanthemums in a glass jar.
She dropped them. I didn't see it happen,
but I know she did. My spine straightened
and I instinctively felt in my pocket for what I'd
been carrying: keys, coins and a healthy
hatred for almost anyone in love.

Still there. (She picked up the pieces and got on the bus.)

Whenever I momentarily lose the latter
among men with good intentions
and mothers with children
yet unfazed by eight hour days and
conditional love,

I stop and remember:

That the world is good because you're in it
And bad because I am. Then I keep going.

--- erin, 'red chrysanthemums'.
photograph by churchlady.

i want you to know: i still love to collect these small things, these words and pictures,
and offer them meekly to you. i regret every time i miss a tuesday.

your patience and understanding astounds me and i am very grateful. thank you ♥

nov 20 07, prompts

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