so much happier

Aug 28, 2007 20:39

it's tuesday; we reserve the right to feel whatever it is we want to.

you make me happier than everything else, when we render melodies with our guitars and lungs. i could spend all day in our maddening dresses; our process transgresses like slow honey on bark, but we prefer it that way. we are alike. we are unafraid. we're the kind of thing that's concrete and solid and meant to stay.

you make me happier than all other things, like we're all kings and queens. remember that sweet movie we saw, that night in the dark? i thought maybe you would make a move - i kind of wanted you to. on my way home i stopped to buy some tofu and it was there i realized how i wish i saw everything as beautiful. you make me want to be better.

--- jennifer schmohe.
photograph by lara k.

so many definitions for such a small and big feeling. sadness is so specific but happiness is so wide and accepting and varied, just like all of you are.

aug 28 07, prompts

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