I am very excited to announce the first round at Wild Card 20in20! This is a project I have been wanting to do for quite some time and I finally got the opportunity to pull it together! I hope everyone who participates has fun and will enjoy the community!
Please take a moment to review the rules on the profile page
here before signing up, it is much appreciated!
General Rules:
1. In order to participate you must be a member of the community and read the rules on the profile page.
2. Every round is different on what you can claim. Please read carefully below under "Round #: Information" to see how the current round will run.
3. If a claim is chosen for you and you do not like it for whatever reason, you can ask for one alternate claim.
4. If for any reason during the round you feel you may need an extension or to drop ouf of the round please let me know.
5. Sign-ups will remain open during the entire length of the round.
6. If you have any questions please feel free to ask! Have fun!
Round 1: Information
The very first round of Wild Card will be dedicated to my favorite fandom, Buffy the Vampire Slayer!
For this round you will choose a season and a mod will randomly choose an episode within that season for your claim.
Username (no code, please):BTVS Season of Choice:Themes Suggestions: Participants:
debris4spike: Season 2, Episode: Surprise
gettingdrastic: Season 4, Episode: Doomed
stydia: Season 7, Episode: Selfless
Halliwell: Season 1, Episode: Angel
irish_bunnie: Season 7, Episode: End of Days
crazycordy: Season 3, Episode: The Zeppo
gabby227: Season 1, Episode: Out of Mind, Out of Sight
Emmatheslayer: Season 5, Episode: Buffy vs. Dracula