Round 3: Themes Info!

Oct 16, 2016 15:00


  • Sign-ups are open the entire round, click here if you want to sign-up or if you forgot your claim.

  • All icons must be your own work and made new for each round in this community. No previous work is permitted.

  • All icons must fit the LJ standard of under 40kb, 100 px x 100px in size, and in either .png, .gif, or .jpg format.

  • Remember no nudity or graphic violence this is a PG-13 community. If you have a concern please feel free to ask!

  • Do not submit your icons to this post. Make sure to link directly to your icons with a link to your personal journal or you may post them at the community under a cut. If you are posting a link to your journal, please make sure your post with your icons is public.

  • All entries must have 3 preview/example icons before the link/cut to the icons.

  • All entries are moderated and once a mod accepts it, the post will be made public.

  • While it is not mandatory, leaving feedback on other participants entries is always nice. So, try to check out the other entries if you can. :)

  • Please use the provided table below for posting your entries.

  • A mod will add your tags, so please do not add them yourself.

  • When posting your icons, please put the subject as Round 3: Halloween - "Movie Title".

  • Entries due by November 5th, midnight your timezone.

    Round 2: Table & Themes

    10 Themes:
    Fear, Black & Orange, *Blocking, *In Motion, *Blending, Extreme Close Up, *Provided Texture, Negative Space + Grunge, Corner Crop, Black & White + Color

    *Blocking: Your icon must contain at least 2 blocks in it. (If you need an example please let me know.)

    *In Motion: This icon must show a character in your movie that is in motion in some fashion: walking, running, etc.

    *Blending: You must blend at least 2 different images together from your claim.

    *Provided Texture: You must use the following provided texture made by: blissfulbat in your icon.

    5 Category Set: Panorama
    Your 5 icons should be part of one image overall. I have provided an example below:

    Panorama icons by: spikesredqueen

    5 Artist Choice: your choice

    If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me! Good luck to all!

    10 Themes
    FearBlack & OrangeBlockingIn MotionBlending
    Extreme Close UpProvided TextureNegative Space + GrungeCorner CropBlack & White + Color
    Category - Panorama
    Category - 1Category - 2Category - 3Category - 4Category - 5
    5 Artist's Choice
    Artist Choice 1Artist Choice 2Artist Choice 3Artist Choice 4Artist Choice 5

  • round 3, *round_info

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