the premise.

Mar 08, 2010 21:28

the premise.
My dear, are you lost?

There’s no shame, in that, Darling; you are not the only one who, under mysterious circumstances, has found their way here. Perhaps you have just lost yourself in the maze of your own mind. Ah, this place? We call it Willaknapp-the world, that is! Currently you are in our hometown of Sleepywoods. Won’t you stay for a while?

Ah, I understand. You’d like to go home? We cannot do that, but I do know of someone who can! She resides in the far end of the Willaknapp in a small village called Loophole; the journey there is long, harsh and exhausting. It’s nearly impossible for a tiny person like you! You should not fret, however; our very own Grandore is more than willing to set you out on the treacherous route to your… possibly only way home! You shall live in the Caravan and Grandore will pull you through various villages and towns. A perfect opportunity for those who love sightseeing! I cannot guarantee they are as friendly as we, but the Way-Warrant will be able to negotiate with the Mayors so you will be able to stay there as Grandore rests his feet. The poor man cannot walk forever, after all.

Be prepared for your journey, my dear! I cannot nearly estimate how long it will take to get to Loophole, but please, have some rest before you go, and we will certainly miss you!

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Hometrail is a panfandom community-based roleplay game in a fairytale-like land called Willaknapp. Characters arrive in a small village where the locals understand and are kind enough to help them return home via a giant Ogre named Grandore, who will pull a large hotel caravan through various villages in order to reach a place called Loophole-a place where, supposedly, a woman can bring the passengers back to their original homes. The journey will be lengthy and dangerous, therefore stops are necessary for Grandore to rest up for the many weeks and months of walking to come.

For each village they stop, there will be a unique plot or problem to fit the setting, and the characters, now considered the Passengers, will have to solve the conflict in order to move on to the next village. Despite everyone having their own homes to return to, in the Caravan, everyone will have to work together in order to successfully reach their destination of Loophole... not to mention that there will be unwelcoming, unnerving and unreal villages they will stop by, as well as unexplainable missions and many creatures to fend off!

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