world info.

Mar 08, 2010 22:19

about willaknapp.
Here you can learn various things about Willaknapp that may be useful for your roleplaying needs... so of course, this is OOC information, and your characters would not know about this unless stated by an NPC. The map, however, is pretty much public information once on the Caravan. So, without further ado...!

Willaknapp, shown here on the left, is a grand continent composed of plains, luscious woods, and mountainous regions. The seasons favor warm, Spring-like climates but vary as they get closer up north, where weathers are more extreme and skewed to cooler side.

The people, their lifestyle, and technology vary from place to place. In some locations, the beings are much, much bigger than regular people. That is why there are different races and species in Willaknapp. Please read on for more information on each major topic of this world.

the people & species.

Hume (hyu-mei): The dominant species in Willaknapp, hume are equivalent to humans in the real world.
Sumu (soo-moo): Sumu are similar to hume, however, they are much smaller and strangely proportioned, making them about half as tall, as well as a little wider than a typical hume. Rarely do the two species intermix.
Gion (guy-on): The much larger species in Willaknapp. Although unrealistically large, gion are usually gentle and domesticated, making them a perfect form of transportation and protection. Undomesticated gion are aggressive and dangerous.
Caria (ca-rai-a): A fairly large type of creature that is known for having a strangely shaped or object-like body with a hume-like face. They are usually used as a form of transportation because their smooth backs.
Minimen (mee-nee-men): Tiny working creatures that are usually no bigger than the size of a hume hand. These guys are the mechanics and medics of every existing village who can work quickly and efficiently.

As a side note, you cannot apply for characters as these type of species, as these are only signifiant to Willaknapp.
technology info.
Despite the technological advances, the people of Willaknapp remain happily green and prefer items that would not be harmful to the environment. Think of it as a fantasy-skewed steampunk era. The most unique feature of Willaknapp is their energy source--they have managed to invent gravity-defying plates that act as generators, feeding the majority of towns and villages with electricity.

These generators not only act as the source for energy, but also the world's signal system. Thanks to them, the world was able to introduce a communication source throughout the land known as "Junogam." Junogams are the world's very own netbooks, the only device that can gain access to Willknapp's communication network: Willaknet. You can learn more about Junogams and Willaknet through this link.

the bestiary.

A common friend of rain, slaggers are often seen dragging around their liquid-dependant forms. They tend to be slow-moving, but once one gets a grip on its prey's feet, they are pretty much in control. The best way to get rid of them when they are attached to you is to jump into a body of water.

These are near-extinct creatures known for their indescribable colossal size. Often hidden within plains, their forest backs help hide them when they are hibernating. For this reason, their backs have an ecosystem of their own. There are said to only fly together once every three years.

Aggressive tree-like beasts who enjoy terrorizing those in the forest. Their wooden skin make them perfectly camouflaged in woodlands. Their technique usually consists of constant stalking, binding, and then ends in suffocation. Fire is super effective on bravalins!

Golems are a common monster within every corner of Willaknapp. With unique personalities of their own, golems could be either extremely friendly or harmful. They get along with those with pure souls.

Dangerous wolves that occupy most of Willaknapp. They only have one thing on their minds: food. And anything will do: scraps, trash, flesh--everything is pretty much safe for them. It is best to run away if you ever come face-to-face with kaenai.

Laitons are starting to become endangered due the demand of their natural energy source (electricity). They are often found in groups, and light farms all over have been gathering them up, domesticating them to run their electricity. Others, however, are abusing laiton too much. There haven't been many of them around.

Descendants from sirens, merpeople are incredibly intelligent creatures that have formed a civilization akin to that of humes. They know how to communicate in Willopin, but prefer to keep their community separate from those of land dwellers, and relations with them can be quite hostile.

Another creature known for its camouflaging back. They will move if something or someone steps on them, but they seldom harm people.

Some strange creatures that have rocks on their backs for easy blending. They are shy and would rather not be bothered.

Normally found by the sea or any body of water, sirens are known to seduce both men and women to steal their "energy." Those cursed by a siren will often find themselves tired and will only feel better if they are near a siren. Sirens can transform into people, but can only stay out of water for a maximum of twenty-four hours. Certain clans have grouped together in a community fashion, but not much is known about them.

Another creature known for its camouflaging back. They will move if something or someone steps on them, but they seldom harm people.

Wallies are huge, but they are generally friendly creatures. They are seen in groups and would rather do nothing more than eat and sleep. Some have learned to talk and communicate with people.

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