"One of the things I think we witness when we go to the parks is the immensity and the intimacy of time. On the one hand we experience the immensity of time which is the creation itself; it is the universe unfolding before us. And yet it is also time shared with the people that we visit these places with. So it's the experience we remember when
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Comments 2
This is one of the most beautiful paragraphs I have ever read. I sit here with tears in my eyes; tears of profound gratitude that the 5 of us were so blessed to have been granted those memories and tears of a grief that will never subside for the Alex here-and-now that will not be this side of eternity.
And yet more than that, for it is also that contentment that comes from reading something beautifully written. I will copy this and squirrel it away to pull and savor at another time. This is the first paragraph of a book, Sarah.
with all my love,
I still expect him to walk through the door, Mommy.
I love you all so much.
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