[It was a rude awakening for Ran, but perhaps she should have been thankful for it--considering how long she had been asleep. She doesn't know just how long it's been. The communicator shocks her awake rather painfully, evidently as punishment for its nonuse, and though she's heard the tales, she's never experienced it for herself before now.
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She jumps a little at that. Someone's home after all--and she's even more surprised when she hears the voice.]
Conan? Is that you?
It's me. Are you okay? You were asleep for a really long time.
[She sets down the communicator with a sigh, and though it still hurts a bit, she looks back at him with the same concern, bending down.]
But what about you? We were looking for you for a really long time.
[Okay, let's place our own on the ground now, shall we? This doesn't sound very good.]
[She forces a bit of a chuckle, as she lets out a breath.]
I think it got mad at me for sleeping so long. It feels like I've been out for quite a while.
[She twists her body and starts looking around, sighing. She's still shaken up, but she sees no evidence of the shock at all.
Just enough to hurt, but not enough to leave a mark. Figures that's how they'd do it.]
We were gettin' worried.
Yeah, Conan said I was asleep for a long time. Guess it's a good thing I have my own personal alarm...
Seems the scientists are up to something again, too?
So were ya told everythin'?
...Just that Shinichi's left. [Again.] And that these--
[She points to all the weapons, the strange canned food around her room.]
--are just illusions.
[With the last couple of weeks, recovering, and everything that's been going on she couldn't keep track of everyone. Especially with what happened with Adam.]
It's good to see you're up. Ah...and as for those things. Nothing really makes sense around here as usual.
[She smiles. Glad to see more familiar faces.]
Y-Yeah, Conan told me that they're just illusions. [Sigh.] What're those guys up to now?
[Damn scientists.]
That's what I've been hearing too. Maybe they're playing games with thinking we're just hallucinating.
For what reason I'm not sure~
[She frowns then, as she thinks about it a little more.]
Maybe they just want us off our guard.
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