Infirmary Day Room Construction - mod and Bing approved

Feb 24, 2011 23:01

Thanks to everyone who has volunteered to help construct the Infirmary day room. Construction has begun here and will last 3-4 weeks, of which the first 2-3 will be building and the last week interior decoration.

If your pup would like in on some paid work, please comment here and go and see Guppy in the above linked post.

Construction details can be as vague as you like but it will, I would have thought, go foundations - bricklaying - wiring/plumbing - everything else. There is a rough plan linked in the above post.

Any remaining building work not covered by pups will be done by the Oompa Loompas (thanks Bing).

If you are not involved, there is now an area outside next to the bar that is cordened off.

If you have any questions please comment here, or ping me, guppymun on AIM.


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