(no subject)

Feb 03, 2008 20:12

Heads up, Milliways.

Just a little note that as of this thread, Johnny's not going to be himself exactly. He's been possessed for the time being by the doctor from Kingdom Hospital via his Dead Zone, so he'll be acting a bit odd at times in little tells. Sometimes speaking in German, or looking intently, or having a really sick smile. Always looking for new subjects.So be warned if you tag him for now.

And Doc Scurlock and Bill Pardy, (along with Nathan Petrelli) should definitely beware especially.

And because of this, not going to tag other EPs except on request of mun.

UPDATE: Heh, well, that lasted shorter than I expected initially. The thread's still open for taggage doom, but the doctor's been sent packing, and Johnny's voluntarily asked to be celled for the duration to avoid a reoccurance. Anybody wants to ask him questions about the doctor or just visit can head there.
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