Spring: a young mun's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.

Mar 31, 2007 18:11

Before anything else, I want to say a few words about what Milliways means to me. It isn't just the game, and it isn't just the bar, and it isn't just the crack or the plots or the demonic bunnies. It is all those things, but it's also the people behind them; and to me, there is no limit on who this can be. It's everyone who's ever lurked, everyone who's ever read, everyone who's ever played, and everyone who's ever been out on the margins, watching their friends fall into the honey-trap that is Milliways. (Although I like to think that all these people get sucked in eventually.) And it makes no difference whether you're in it now, or whether you were in it two years ago, or whether you haven't yet started. When you dropped out, or even whether you dropped out at all. Past, present, or future --

You are Milliways.

And I love you.

I also love memes, and since it's been almost four months since the last one, I thought it might be time to resurrect the Milliways love meme. Are you with me? Yes? in that case:

Post the username of someone you think should get love, and invite others to join in!
Be lovely! Be anonymous! Spread the word!
(like, seriously, because these things are no fun if nobody shows up.)

Note 1: anonymous is not required, but if you want it, partake!

Note 2: wank and/or unfriendliness will be deleted.

Because these things tend to snowball, I am keeping this list, which I will try to update as each successive comments page fills up.That way, you can see at a glance whether or not your friends have been nominated, which makes it easy for you to (a) say something nice about them and (b) start a new thread for them if no one else has yet.
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