Tarot Happy Hour on Saturday with Tower and Star

Feb 07, 2012 20:48

As of this exchange, Star-mun and I decided that these two tarot cards will be tending bar together next Saturday at 9 PM GMT.

So far, so unremarkable.

But, as these are tarot cards, and there are Dire Things Afoot on a Millicalypse scale, this might be a good chance to give your character some foreshadowing. While Tower is the card of old things ending so new may begin, Star is the card of new hope shimmering far away over the waters -- both together, you may see, very much embody what the move of Milliways is about.

We will be offer not full readings (take too long), but single cards we muns will be pulling from our decks we will keep at hand, trusting our pups to get this right. You might remember earlier occasions: - this works! We don't rig the reading, either. It just works. There will be a separate chat room where you can reach us while your pups are interacting with ours, too.

We'd love to see anyone involved in the Allpocalypse and the move (which is anybody who feels like it), and also our canonmates -- even if you're retiring your tarot pups with the move, we'd be happy to see them a last time in this thread!

So why this post? Well, to tell you we are going to do this, so you can start pondering and plotting, ask us questions, or tell us about the background of your pup that you'd like our cards to talk to. We don't rig readings, but the cards just know things; if you want them to know certain specific things, this is the place to tell them, through us.

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