[ and be merry ]

Jan 26, 2012 13:13

Here's the thing, y'all: It has been a hot one and a half since I've done anything resembling actual real-time threading.

Therefore, Ben Wade's happy hour is a go here, posted in hours early, and open for most of the day and evening. (I'll be tagging as I can throughout the afternoon from work, and then once I'm home, I'll be around and about from ~6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. EST.)

So! Consider Ben's post a party-down free-for-all; threadhopping is more than encouraged! I'll be tagging till I'm brain-dead tonight, but that in no way means you folks can't have your alcohol cake and drink eat it by proxy, too. Have yourselves a big time, ladies and lads, 'cause I surely will. :D!
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