Jan 13, 2012 16:56

By happy coincidence, this latest round of Mods Say Stuff is on the same topic as today's DE! This time, we're here to talk about two things:

  1. Possible ways to play with the move IC. Bar-wide plot event, anyone?
  2. What this might mean for retired characters, and the possible freeing-up thereof.
But mods! you say. These seem like pretty disparate topics! Why are we talking about them in the same post?

Well, I'm glad you asked.

Anyone brave enough to venture into the really really really really long list of fandoms from yesterday may have seen me mention in the comments that, as part of the move, we are going to be rebuilding the cast list from scratch. This is partly because we'll need a cast list that allows characters to be listed with both their DW journals and their old LJs, but also because - as those of you who were around for the last major cast list reboot may remember - it allows people to re-list their active and retired pups while sloughing off all the dead weight of dropped and abandoned characters.

SO. Here is what we are thinking:

In grand Milliways tradition, we have some kind of ridiculous bar-wide plot. The in-game end result of this plot is that Milliways gets shifted a few degrees along whichever wacky transmultiversal space-time axis it occupies. Because of Metaphysics™, this opens the bar up to thousands of additional new universes. Many of these are neighbour-universes to the ones it was already open to - that is, basically identical, except for the tiny detail that nobody in the new universes has ever found Milliways before.

What does this mean?

Everything that has happened in Milliways stays happened. It stays connected to all the universes it was connected to before (except as plottishly convenient for people wishing to retire characters by locking them out). No characters/game histories are retroactively erased (except if characters are deleted by muns). But now new versions of those characters - versions originating one universe over from the originals - can be apped.

OOCly, what would happen is this:

  • We create a new cast list.

  • Everyone adds the characters they are keeping active.

  • Players (both current and ex-) will also have the opportunity to re-list characters that they really want to keep retired (in the sense that they cannot be apped by anyone else). Current players will also have the opportunity to re-list particular retired characters whose muns are long gone from the game. So, for example, if running into a new version of their retired BFF from long ago would break your character to the point of unplayability, and said BFF's old mun is nowhere to be found, you yourself will have the option to keep said BFF retired.

  • However! We'd urge that people not go overboard in re-adding every retired character ever. Because.

  • All previously retired characters who don't get added to the new cast list will then be appable under the 'one universe over' principle above.

  • All older versions of characters will remain on a legacy version of the cast list (i.e., a copy of the version we have now), linked to from the main bar and/or comm profile.
So, there you have it. Thoughts? Questions? Worst idea ever? This isn't set in stone, so discussion is very welcome.

We're also entertaining suggestions for the aforementioned ridiculous plot, so if you've got a way that wacky transmultiversal axis-wobbling could be achieved (within a reasonable OOC timeframe, and not involving too much elaborate organisation on top of the impending DW move), we want to hear it!

If commenting with a plot suggestion, please put 'plot suggestion' or something similar in your subject line, so we can sort through them more easily.

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