Jan 08, 2012 14:59

Hello, Milliwaysers! I meant to get this post up yesterday, but then I accidentally a house full of cousins for twelve hours. Twelve! Relatives, I love you, but don't you know that I have the internet to attend to? Anyway.

Per Cam's last post on the subject, and given the fact that Dreamwidth staff will soon be lifting the final restrictions ( ( Read more... )

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Reasons for No (ATM) and, Should the Move Happen, A Way To Save Money with Icons fire_and_a_rose January 8 2012, 19:24:49 UTC
Reasons for No (ATM) and, Should the Move Happen, A Way To Save Money with Icons:

The following reasons are why I say no, or at least, let us not decide this now nor in the near future.

Some reasons are much smaller and less important than others. I realize this, but, after all, in the end, this is about a game. One dear to many of us, one that many of us are invested in to one level or another--but it is, still, just a game. While it is important to many, I think that needs to be kept in mind.

The following are why I say Not At This Time:

1) The heat of the moment is not the best time, generally, to make decisions.
2) Some people will not be able to get the same username they have here.
3) I understand people feeling betrayed, in a way, by LJ: this as a big-time LJ screw-up. But I'd also say that 85-95% of the time they've made such screw-ups in the past, they have eventually fixed them. I'd like to give them time to do so now.
4) Money. I think this is a very large one, which should be given a great deal of thought. ( ... )


Re: Reasons for No (ATM) and, Should the Move Happen, A Way To Save Money with Icons copinggoggles January 8 2012, 19:53:53 UTC
Actually, assuming that RPers are overall more inclined to opt for accounts with greater numbers of icon slots and/or pay for extra icon packages, LJ and DW overall work out much of a muchness.

More details can be found in the cost analysis part of this post, but in summary:

Paid account with 100 icons on DW: $17.50 (6 months) // $35 (12 months)
Paid account + 70-icon package on LJ: $21 (6 months) // $29.95 (12 months)

Premium account with 250 icons on DW: $25 (6 months) // $50 (12 months)
Paid account with 240 icon slots on LJ: $33 (6 months) // $49.95 (12 months)

The above does not include LJ's free loyalty userpics, but also assumes you are using LJ's automatic payments. If you have automatic payments turned off, LJ actually gets more expensive.


Re: Reasons for No (ATM) and, Should the Move Happen, A Way To Save Money with Icons fire_and_a_rose January 8 2012, 19:56:16 UTC
What is also relevant is that a free account on DW starts with 15 icons, rather than 6.


Re: Reasons for No (ATM) and, Should the Move Happen, A Way To Save Money with Icons fire_and_a_rose January 8 2012, 22:46:11 UTC
Valid, then.

That said, there is another issue, which in some ways troubles me more than the first. The other issue with money is that people have paid accounts here for pups already, some (many, I suspect) with extras. Since LJ does not allow the transfer of paid time, this money become effectively wasted.


Re: Reasons for No (ATM) and, Should the Move Happen, A Way To Save Money with Icons copinggoggles January 8 2012, 22:57:11 UTC
That's true, and there is, unfortunately, nothing we can do about that. However, it's something of a sunk cost fallacy; if someone is remaining on a site purely because to do otherwise would mean that their money had been wasted, then... arguably that money has, at that point, already been wasted.


Re: Reasons for No (ATM) and, Should the Move Happen, A Way To Save Money with Icons fire_and_a_rose January 8 2012, 23:01:41 UTC
I don't disagree; I did feel it needed to be brought up, though. And again, thank you for addressing it.


Re: Reasons for No (ATM) and, Should the Move Happen, A Way To Save Money with Icons ceitfianna January 8 2012, 20:55:40 UTC
Thank you for articulating some of my concerns far better than I was able to.


Re: Reasons for No (ATM) and, Should the Move Happen, A Way To Save Money with Icons copinggoggles January 9 2012, 02:09:36 UTC
Just to let you know, I've responded to these issues below, if it helps alleviate your concern at all.


Re: Reasons for No (ATM) and, Should the Move Happen, A Way To Save Money with Icons ceitfianna January 9 2012, 02:13:27 UTC
I've been reading along to all the comments and it is helping me feel better.

Honestly this post has done a huge amount for me in terms of understanding more of the thoughts going on behind things. Before it didn't really feel like there was a discussion going on as so many people have been so vocal in their choice to leave LJ that it made me unsure if the various other sides were being discussed.

This has shown me as I thought that they were and it feels right that the whole community is working through this. Thank you.


Re: Reasons for No (ATM) and, Should the Move Happen, A Way To Save Money with Icons ashen_key January 8 2012, 21:58:23 UTC
The trouble with relying on LJ to fix is...they haven't. They've faced hundreds, thousands of people (myself included) being physically harmed by the changes they have made, and they haven't even said a single thing about it as far as I can recall.

So, no, I don't think they are going to fix anything.


Re: Reasons for No (ATM) and, Should the Move Happen, A Way To Save Money with Icons copinggoggles January 8 2012, 22:49:07 UTC
Returned from le nap time, I'd like to address your other points, so that our views can also be considered by anyone who wants to.

1) I would not call this, particularly, a heat of the moment decision? Release 88 was deployed on December 21st; that's nearly three weeks ago. The question of whether or not it was time to move came up almost immediately, and we have been mulling it over since then as we've watched DW open up community imports and deal with the influx, and other RP communities move over. This is not lightly considered.

2) This will be an inconvenience for some players, to be sure - but DW is young enough and small enough that in fact, most players are more likely to get the username they want (or that they wanted all along) on DW than they are on LJ. Game-wise, it would certainly be more convenient for us if all mirrors were given the same usernames as their LJ counterparts, but if they are not, it's not an insurmountable problem ( ... )


Re: Reasons for No (ATM) and, Should the Move Happen, A Way To Save Money with Icons fire_and_a_rose January 8 2012, 23:00:13 UTC
Understood. I'm not actually bothered by moving or staying--but I do feel these are concerns that needed to be brought up ( ... )


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