Jan 08, 2012 14:59

Hello, Milliwaysers! I meant to get this post up yesterday, but then I accidentally a house full of cousins for twelve hours. Twelve! Relatives, I love you, but don't you know that I have the internet to attend to? Anyway.

Per Cam's last post on the subject, and given the fact that Dreamwidth staff will soon be lifting the final restrictions ( ( Read more... )

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rushin_doll January 8 2012, 18:40:33 UTC
While I don't have a problem with the idea of moving the game in general (I mean, clearly LJ can be aggravating at times), I do have one major concern.

Have we got any idea how we're going to handle invite code requirements? If I remember my timelines correctly, Milliways has never had to deal with the things since the game started after LJ dropped them.

I'm sure there are solutions we can come up with, but have we come up with them yet?

Because my biggest worry is that a move to a space where invite codes are required will end up creating an extra barrier to entry (one more step) that people have to deal with to app new characters. And, what's more, this will be more likely to block a totally new player from apping than an existing player from picking up a new character.

I don't think that I can, in good conscience, vote to move the game until/unless we've got that particular issue nailed down with some sort of really slick solution.

Perhaps overly worried,


mnt_raph January 8 2012, 18:56:21 UTC
rushin_doll January 8 2012, 19:20:07 UTC

Like I said, I'm sure there are solutions, but I want to make sure we've got one before we do anything. Ways_invite. Or maybe some system where part of the app process is getting an invite code. That sort of thing.

I just want a system in place!

Because I'm like that,


copinggoggles January 8 2012, 19:10:38 UTC
That's a valid concern, but there are three things which, to my mind, suggest that it ultimately shouldn't be a problem. The first is that Dreamwidth have decided to leave account creation open for now. From the latest news post: "Rather than specify an exact time period for how long invite codes will be off, we've decided to just let open account creation run for an unspecified time, as long as this increased demand keeps up and as long as we're happy with the site performance." While 'for an unspecified time' is not the same as 'indefinitely', this should at least be enough to take care of all the character journals that need to be moved over.

The second is, as Bing mentions, the fact that we can easily set up either a Milliways invite community, or simply a back room post where people can comment if they need an invite and/or where people can pool their invites and new players can comment whenever one is taken.

The third is
... )


rushin_doll January 8 2012, 19:51:47 UTC
I'm not worried that we can't do it, but I want to make sure that it's as easy as possible. Which means having a system, and one that's simple. We don't want people tripping up on getting invite codes.

Maybe make it part of the app process? If you get approved, and you don't have a journal already, part of your approval includes an invite code?

I don't know. I just worry.



ps_you_look_hot January 8 2012, 20:08:46 UTC
I would have to go back and see where it was that I saw this, but I'm sure I read somewhere that DW was planning on offering something where communities can request extra invite codes to be given out to prospective members. So if Milliways as a comm had a number of invite codes that they could use, it seems like that could be fairly easily incorporated into the app process.


copinggoggles January 8 2012, 20:12:36 UTC
There's this, about promo codes, which... upon re-reading, actually seem to work differently than I thought they did, and may in fact be a viable option for users who are new to DW or have run out of invite codes. HM!


ps_you_look_hot January 8 2012, 20:17:07 UTC
Yes! I do believe that's what it was that I saw.


silveraspen January 8 2012, 22:14:28 UTC
I second this - it looks like requesting a promo code set for Milliways in a move to use for new apps might well be a feasible solution to rushin_doll's very important concern.

That'll require a little bit of change to the application and approval process, but it seems doable.


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