Dream 1

Apr 12, 2011 00:44

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Comments 3

4/11 iattractmushi April 13 2011, 05:13:04 UTC
[Cloud's eyes fly open for the third (or is it the forth?) time tonight, in a very different reaction than he had to the other dreams. Not sadness, not wonder or distress... he shifts position, uncomfortably, rolling onto his back again--he seems to keep rolling on his side in his sleep tonight. That... he shouldn't have seen that. Not that he'd had much of a choice about it, but still...

He can't help but wonder if this is Stellaris' dream or Bellflower's, either way they both had looked like they were enj--no, don't think about it. Don't think about... anything, really.

I was hard, with the way his blood was thrumming through his veins and making it difficult to concentrate.

Maybe he should just go take a shower.

Rolling over again, he got to his bare feet and headed out the door, hoping there wasn't anyone in the hallway and vaguely grateful that he tended to sleep with his pants on, so he didn't have to deal with wrestling them on right now.]


forgotmyforge April 13 2011, 09:31:41 UTC
[ Ohhhhh. Well, that explained a few things to Flame. She rubbed at her eyes a little, groggily. Okay, maybe it didn't. It was only a dream, after all, even if it was strangely vivid. But Bellflower had that certain way of smiling, and there'd been that date...

Now Flame wished that she'd made more of an effort to make it date-like. It hadn't occurred to her -- but it wasn't like she didn't know lesbians existed. She just hadn't thought about it, more caught up in telling Bellflower about weaponry. That happened sometimes.

She hoped a little that her own mind had conjured this, because otherwise it was awfully intimate, and she was sure that a polite and reserved person like Bellflower wouldn't want to share it with everybody. Or perhaps it belonged to the other girl, the one Flame didn't really know.

In any case, Flame certainly wasn't going to ask. ]


Second night proudambassador April 13 2011, 20:55:09 UTC
[Ambassador smiles in his dream. Maybe they don't have the anatomy he wishes they did, but they're still very lovely, and it's quite the sight. He's not bothered in the least to be dreaming aout two women he's met naked. After all, women look best naked.

As he slowly awakens, he wonders why he's dreaming of them in particular. Normally it's the women in his birth dream, one of the four, or more, all in various states of undress and positioning. Does it mean anything? Likely not. He knows that Stellaris is with Gene, and Bellflower, while pleasant enough to look at, doesn't attract him. Well. Maybe she attracts his dream mind. But it doesn't matter. She is, unfortunately, human. Or at least human looking enough to not be what he really wants.

He settles back into his pillows and contemplates a drink before going back to sleep. No. It might disrupt his sleep, or make him not remember, and if he was to have dreams like this, he very much wished to remember.]


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