The central characters in all posted stories and art must be hobbits or the actors who portray hobbits in the films. Other characters, original or established, are welcome, provided that they do not take precedence over canon hobbits or hobbit actors.
FP and RP Gen, Fictional Person Slash, and Real Person Slash are welcome. No pairing is required, but featured pairings of a romantic or sexual nature must be m/m or f/f and involve two hobbits or two hobbit actors.
Waymeet does not accept interspecies, hobbitpiles, hobbit actor piles, or het (unless the het relationship is present in canon and plays a secondary role to the central same-sex pairing). RP/S AUs, FPS AUs, and FP Gen AUs are welcome provided that they do not encroach significantly on other fandoms in which hobbit actors play a part (e.g The Faculty, Lost etc). If in doubt, please ask the maintainers.
Stories may be any rating from G to NC-17, but incest, gratuitous violence, non-con, chan, or abuse are prohibited. Art may be any rating from G to PG-13/light R.
Waymeet encourages authors to explore the creative media options that the internet and LiveJournal inspire. Please include links to any related illustrations, songlists, banners, manipulations, articles, or other accompaniments to your fiction in your Author's Notes.
Posted stories and art must use the following template (and please include the story title in the subject box):
Extensions to challenge deadlines are allowed. Please e-mail the maintainers for details.
All stories and art must be posted behind an lj-cut tag. If you're not certain how to do this, go here.
Stories and art for the Waymeet LiveJournal Community challenges will be posted first at Waymeet and only at Waymeet until one week after the date of posting, when they may be posted elsewhere. Please include a reference to the Waymeet Challenge when posting a story to your own journal.
Constructive criticism and dialogue are encouraged. However, absolutely no wank is allowed. The maintainers expect that all members and watchers know it when they see it; nevertheless, we reserve the right to make sole judgement about what constitutes wank and to screen, delete, or ban as necessary to protect the reputation of the community and preserve an atmosphere conducive to creativity.
Waymeet welcomes new members who share an enthusiasm for the subject matter, an ability to give and to receive constructive criticism, and a keenness to be active participants in further explorations of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. Writers who are interested in becoming members should feel free to participate in Waymeet discussions and to leave feedback for fellow writers. If you think this is the community for you, please click to request membership.
Disclaimer: The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, all characters, places, and related terms are the sole property of J.R.R. Tolkien's estate. No profit is made from the stories posted on this community and no infringement is intended. Film images are the property of New Line Cinema. RPS stories are works of fiction and are not intended to represent factual matters regarding any real life persons named.
All stories and art are the copyrighted property of their authors, and may not be re-posted, reproduced, or archived without author permission.