[ X I S - Y T N E W T ]

Mar 18, 2009 20:16


[Aros is out and about stalking somewhere, but this is written using his inner darkness, so it's not really... ink. The penmenship isn't bad actually]

Tell me if you see Roxas. My name is Aros.

gunna find my bro, roxas, rooooooooxas!!

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Comments 81

[voice] flared March 19 2009, 01:51:47 UTC

Can you feel him?


[voice] way_to_midnight March 19 2009, 01:53:16 UTC
[There's a long pause followed by an hiss of sorts -- a hiss which almost sounds like a sigh. Aros can, but only barely because his connection to Roxas has never been all that strong as opposed to his with Sora, and it's hard to ping on to a Nobody of any type for him. Even so, after this pause, more out an impulse than anything--]



[voice] flared March 19 2009, 01:57:54 UTC
Hmh. Good to know.


[voice] way_to_midnight March 19 2009, 01:58:47 UTC
[Dot. Dot. Dot. The clicking of talons -- he can't track Roxas and it's very irksome to the heartless]



gravity_splode March 19 2009, 01:53:04 UTC
I've got an eye out for him.


way_to_midnight March 19 2009, 01:58:57 UTC


gravity_splode March 19 2009, 02:02:02 UTC
He won't get past me.


way_to_midnight March 19 2009, 02:03:58 UTC
Or me.


[Action] halgitamilf March 19 2009, 02:19:18 UTC
[Let's say Svala is also out and about stalking around as well? She's probably stalking with a destination, though.]


[Action] way_to_midnight March 19 2009, 02:23:53 UTC
[Yaya, mutual stalking! Aros is stalking in a tree though. He's got class]


[Action] halgitamilf March 19 2009, 02:29:52 UTC
[That's just stalking with style. Svala's classy no matter what.

...not at the moment maybe, as her soul-reading!senses are tingling and making her look around a little nervously. There is something unnatural nearby.]


[Action] way_to_midnight March 19 2009, 02:32:10 UTC
[There's something odd about the pulse below him. Aros stops moving to listen in on the pulse -- fear? Similar, but it seems lighter. Hmm]


meteorical March 19 2009, 03:01:35 UTC
You don't think he disappeared like Sora, do you?


way_to_midnight March 19 2009, 03:04:06 UTC
No. [That was fired off very rapidly]


meteorical March 19 2009, 03:07:12 UTC
[she's curious about what the Heartless knows] How do you know?


way_to_midnight March 19 2009, 03:13:43 UTC


[written] iterance March 19 2009, 22:16:50 UTC
We will. You're Aros?


[written] way_to_midnight March 21 2009, 01:00:02 UTC

[...He thinks he recalls her, but it's not really ringing bells. It's hard to tell from a picture -- he can't hear a heartbeat without voice and he can't sense through the journals]


[written] iterance March 21 2009, 01:33:53 UTC
Roxas told me about you -- that you're also another part of Sora.


[voiced] way_to_midnight March 21 2009, 01:35:45 UTC
[The written stops here and there's a little dog-like whine sound here followed by a light thud. Aros pauses for a time, and then clicks his claws together lightly. He makes a little chirp-type sound to beg further explanation. Because he cannot seem to recognize this person very well at all but something seems familiar]


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