New SPN Vid -- Under Pressure

Nov 29, 2007 18:06

I never thought this vid would ever see the light of day...

Title: Under Pressure
Fandom: Supernatural
Song: Under Pressure
Artist: Queen + Bowie

Notes: This is ourselves under pressure...

Download: 26.6 MB Or view at Imeem here.

Vidder Notes: Thanks to crazywritinfool for cheering me on & holding my hand from day one. To technosage to who provided lots of late night support in the homestretch. To killabeez & fan_eunice who saw early drafts & said very kind things. To halcyon_shift who stepped in with a very helpful beta. And to sockkpuppett who told me to shut up about the damn song & just vid it myself & then wouldn't let me quit when I wanted to give up.

spn, vidding

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