
Jun 07, 2008 19:42

Working at 7AM seems fine. Bit dead in the store. I got home an hour early and flopped into the hammock for a good two hours, because it is gorgeous outside.


For honooko, as part of her Fic Wishlist, (Arashi as girls. Not like, they turned into girls, but like, they have always been girls. Bonus points for femmeslash. ♥). Even though she did a much better job of it. ♥ And yeah, the title is a bit obvious/cliched, but there is a good reason I picked it.

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun | ~800 words | PG-13 | Girl!Arashi/Arashi AU | Johnny's Entertainment - Arashi RPS

Their debut is sudden and blurred in Jun's memory, a rushed period of panic and uncertainty all eyes watching them, everyone expecting something. She only remembers bits and pieces, which is kind of ridiculous, because it was one of the defining moments of her entire fucking life. When she thinks back, though, all that surfaces is vaguely annoying memories of Ninomiya trying shove sand down her bikini bottoms and Sakurai bursting into tears during a rehearsal because the choreographer said that her chest bounced too much.

(It was okay, though, because Ma-chan grinned at Yuki and bounced like an idiot during their next attempt at getting the steps right, and the choreographer took a headache pill while Sakurai stopped sniffling and smiled a little. That was one of those moments when Jun thought, even though they totally weren't okay yet and Kazuko was still really kind of a bitch and Tomo-senpai was sweet but spacey, they might just turn out all right. Might.)

Although the clear plastic costumes were still just a little too much.


Tomo and Kazuko hold hands all the time. Tomo lets Kazuko sit in her lap and play with her hair (short and spiky now, in an darling little pixie cut streaked blond and dark gold) and they exchange affectionate kisses like handshakes - onstage, offstage, it doesn't matter. No one thinks twice of it, because they're just girlfriends and Girls Do That, they're physically affectionate and close in ways that don't have to be construed as sexual at all.

And therefore it isn't suspicious at all if Kazuko trails her fingers up inside of Tomo's thigh, brushing under the hem of her skirt and muffling her giggles in the crook of Tomo's neck while the other girl pulls her closer and just holds her and holds her -


Yuki has the biggest rack in all of Arashi (not that it's ever been officially measured, as Masaki's wheedling and pleas and plans for that experiment got tossed out the window, along with her tape measure), followed by Aiba-chan, who was a bit of a late bloomer and seemingly transformed overnight from slender and cute in a long-legged, doe-eyed sort of a way to eye-poppingly gorgeous, willowy and well-endowed with curves in all the right places.

Jun knows that she's pretty, she's not stupid enough to not notice the stares that follow her everywhere she goes. She had a bit of an ugly-duckling stage in her teens, but she's grown into her face and her once-gangly limbs and she secretly enjoys the attention she gets for simply smiling or tossing her hair.

Tomo is petite and slightly more stocky than Kazuko, but her bright eyes and full lips are more than enough to turn any man's head. And when she dances, music rippling her body across the stage, boneless and flowing and graceful, there are more than a few shrieks from the girls in the audience as well.

Kazuko is short and delicately built (and ridiculously flat-chested, if you ask Jun), from the dark hair tangling over the pale curve of her neck (lately in a scraggly ponytail that kind of makes Jun want to cry and bribe the stylists to 'accidentally' snip off) to her tiny wrists and small hands.

They're all different, but Jun sometimes secretly feels glad for Arashi because occasional bitching aside about what the hell Kazuko's wearing today or teasing Sakurai for buying that red, lacy bra, they honestly don't give a shit what everyone looks like. Jun could show up to practice in her grossest sweats and a baggy jersey without her hair and makeup done (not that she would, because a) she would never, ever own these clothes, or at least admit to it and b) the thought itself is just Horrifying), but she knows that no one would gossip about it behind her back and the other members would love her just the same.


It's times like this, when Masaki is snuggled up against her side, murmuring in her sleep while Yuki snores wheezily on Jun's other side, her chest warm and soft against Jun's right arm, which she fell asleep clutching it a near-death-grip, that Jun sometimes marvels at how well everything has come together for them. Not that it hasn't been a journey without some bumps, but they've made it this far and they've made it intact and together and reasonably happy.

Tomo and Kazuko are tangled together on the other side of the bed, a complicated mess of limbs tucked into each other until you really couldn't tell who began where. The room is quiet and still and Jun breathes slowly, petting Masaki's hair and thinking about how lucky they really all are.

fanfiction:arashi, femmeslash

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