Title: The Golden Egg
Characters: Cedric/Myrtle
HP Pairings Rating: G
Genre: Drama
Warnings: Bath time!
Word Count: 381
Summary: Myrtle interrupts Cedric when he's trying to concentration.
Notes: During GoF, in case that wasn't obvious.
Disclaimer: Characters do not belong to me and I make no money off of them, etc.
The Golden Egg
Cedric cracked his knuckles as he settled in to the large, golden pool in the prefect bathroom. The dragon’s egg was giving him nothing but problems, and a nice relaxing bath seemed the best way to clear his mind.
As he leaned back in the bubbles, he wondered how the other competitors were doing. Delacour and Krum obviously would have help. Of course, he was eternally grateful to Harry for warning him about the dragons. He really was a nice boy, shame he had to mixed up in all these dangers, though he seemed more than able to take care of himself.
Now he was getting distracted again. He need to unwind and clear his head. The rushing sound of the water was very soothing, and he leaned back and tried to relax. Cedric moved the egg around in his hands.
Just then, he heard a loud whoosh coming up through the pipes. Cedric startled and dropped the egg. Inwardly groaning, he sat up and grabbed his towel and laid it in his lap under the water. Myrtle appeared through the water next to him with a sorrowful look on her face.
He tried to smile, “hello, Myrtle.”
Her said look vanished and she gushed, “hello, Cedric. I love it when it you come in!”
Cedric kept smiling as he tried to find the egg that he dropped.
“What are you looking for?” the girlish ghost simpered.
“A dragon’s egg. It’s part of the competition.”
“Oh yes. I remember the tournament well. We had one the year I died.” Cedric tried to look sympathetic as he feared she was going to launch into another one of her tales of woe. “Do you want me to help you find it.” Cedric nodded. Myrtle dashed under the water, and he could see her gossamer form slipping through the foam.
On the opposite side of the pool, she poked her head above water and beckoned, “I’ve found something, it’s singing!”
Confused, Cedric made his was across the pool to where the egg had rolled. Following her pointing finger, he ducked his head under water. Indeed, the egg was singing. He came up, astonished and grinned at Myrtle. She laughed back, and they both dipped their heads under water to listen to the egg’s song.