Great Tits

May 24, 2008 15:24

watervole has mentioned the Great Tits, in their nest box at the front of the house several times. Yesterday several times one appeared at the hole for a few minutes and it was obvious they were going to fledge in the next day or so. This morning I was looking at the box when one appeared at the hole, looked around, squeaked a bit then took off - I actually saw it fledge! Calling watervole over she saw another fledge. I grabbed my camera and looking out of the upstairs window caught this little fella just holding onto the edge, 2 seconds later it also fledged, at least two siblings followed. I don't know how many there where, but at least 5.

Shortly afterwards, the back garden was also full of fledglings:

For the last few days we have been seeing Goldfinches at the seed feeders. Today they brought their fledglings - one is visible in the middle of the picture next to a parent.

The tree was also full of at least two families of young sparrows:

There are at least 7 in this picture (and a Goldfinch), the garden had 10-12 at the time. Can you spot them?
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