[The feed opens up with a sharp, high pitched squeak of a sneeze. Soft sniffle.]
I.. think I caught something. I don't know why I'm so tired, I slept fine last night-- [Coughsnifflecough!] I moved the couch as far to the side as I could, but maybe I should move into an empty room so I don't get anyone else sick..
[She sounds groggy, and fairly
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Kyon hesitantly stepped toward her and breathed a sigh of relief when the mistletoe seemed pleased with the direction he was going in. "Like this," he said and gently tilted her head forward a little. "Pinching the bridge of your nose should help, too."
When Xion asked about the mistletoe, Kyon grew a little paranoid. He certainly had been actively avoiding it, and yet... It hadn't been there a few minutes ago, so....
"Yeah, I've been trying to avoid it. Especially after the encounter I had earlier today."
Luckily the coughing was short lived when she managed to pinch it enough so it quit doing that overall. Now to just wait for it to stop..
Xion blinked a moment from what he said, then frowned a little.
"Ah-- I'm sorry I got you stuck in it again then..! I should have looked before opening the door."
He regarded her with a frown. "You really don't look well. I feel pretty horrible that you're so sick because of me, Miss Xion."
"It's not your fault, I'm sure I just need some rest and I'll be feeling fine in no time!"
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