[comic strip] Attacker vs Protector (Canada x America, sci-fi AU) 01

Feb 15, 2011 20:27

i am still working on it...there will be more pages coming, but I'll just throw these on first, in case the other pages took me too long...

Attacker vs Protector (lame title is lame, maybe I'll think of something else....)
Genre: sci-fi AU
Pairing: Canada x America (or reverse...)

Page 01-03




TBC, sorry this is so short....hopefully I can get the rest up this week

Some notes:

Clothing design lol

-Attacker: first front line in the battle, active time limit 5 minutes, out if over 80% damage or pulled by its Protector

-Protector: protects its Attacker. Always follow Attacker’s commend first, but has the ability to override Attacker’s commend if will result in 80% or more damage. Can force Attacker out of the battle field. Has the responsibility to collect its Attacker if immobile on the battle field.

Continuation 04-09 Here


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