EVERY. SINGLE. THING. SPOCK DOES ABSOLUTELY KILLS ME. He absolutely kills me. I just want to take him home and hug him senseless and make sure that he eats right and remind him that even if he doesn't admit to feeling love he can still be loved.
... Is that weird?
And, seriously, watching the Kirk/Spock/McCoy triad interact on screen is
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Comments 2
(Is it just me or is nu!Crew way too SRS BIZNESS all the time? I love the way original!McCoy bounces in glee.)
And the nu!Crew is definitely too serious -- and I really don't understand the motivation behind bitchy!Uhura. Original!Uhura managed to kick some serious ass without having to resort to kissing Spock to up the ratings and having catfights with Kirk. Guh. Also, what is up with asshat!Kirk? At least that can be rationalised by having him grow up without a father, but still... It pains me.
And they totally left nu!McCoy on the sidelines... I was so excited to see some Kirk/Spock/McCoy banter and it just... never happened. Every time the original big three are on screen together I'm literally grinning from ear to ear with glee, but I think the only epic glee for the new movie was Scotty and Sherlock-Holmes-Quoting!Spock. :D
On the bright side, at least the fandom's dragging itself up from slumber. :P
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