I hope Mori is a picky eater

Apr 02, 2009 12:07

My 13 year old cat Mori has lost over a pound.  You can feel every verterbrae in his spine.  He'd let Psephe eat his food, so Psephe was getting fat.  He's the more dominant cat, so this seemed odd.  He was also eating very slowly.

So we took him to the vet.   The vet tested his blood and urine and gave him an exam.  $300 later the vet found ( Read more... )


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Comments 2

pawpower4me April 2 2009, 22:14:29 UTC
oh gosh I hope he feels better soon!


waterowl April 3 2009, 00:26:18 UTC
Thanks very much for your well wishes. I hope so too.


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