One sentence fics! Yaaaaayyyyyy.

Jun 01, 2010 00:38

OKAY SO, anyone who saw my to do list a couple days ago and/or has seen me whining on Twitter knows that my writing mojo has been kaput this month, and that's just not okay. SO WE ARE DOING THIS, and I will work on them when I get home from my interview tomorrow to hopefully start the month off well!

Give me a pairing/characters and a prompt, and I will write you a one sentence ficlet.

Fandoms: SPN, CW RPF, Good Omens, Harry Potter, SGA, Sandman (but pls don't spoil me for stuff during/after Brief Lives--I'm about a third of the way through that arc), crossovers of the above.

I ship a lot of things these days--idk, should I make a list? I feel like that might get unwieldy. Incest is good (but not parent/child), threesomes are good, angels are good (so is angel/demon), awesome women are good, Endless are good, Misha is always on topic, Sam/Dean and J2 are my forever girls, I used to write Remus/Sirius a really long time ago, I don't ship John and Rodney with anyone but each other... idk, go nuts. It's one sentence out of my life, right? (And apparently I didn't say this before, but gen fic is also good!)

Oh, and multiple prompts are fine, but pls put them in separate comments for my sanity. ♥!

(I am also using this post to show off the SHINY SHINY Sandman icon I made today. Dream's caaaaaaaastle!)

writing: snippets

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