Jan 24, 2010 05:00
- 13:21 Hey! Retweet this to win an $200 Target gift card from @dealsplus. Details here: bit.ly/4G0JE9 #
- 13:41 @ Chashlet KIIIIIIIM. he was always my favorite TV director, both on X-Files and SPN. such amazing cinematography. ♥ #
- 13:49 hmmm, to beta first or to write first? THIS IS THE QUESTION. #
- 13:54 @ yehwellwhatever weeeeelllll. I SHOULD be writing my help_haiti fic, but it hasn't quite coalesced in my head yet. so, no. :P #
- 14:00 @ yehwellwhatever it might! though the fic I'm betaing is Dark Angel and my Haiti fic is Chris/Steve genderswap. XD #
- 14:05 @ yehwellwhatever Chris! it's set in the same verse as this one I wrote a while ago: waterofthemoon.livejournal.com/285619.html #
- 14:18 @ yehwellwhatever HEEHEEHEE. I'm working on it, I promise! :D #
- 16:42 @ enablelove dude, YES. whenever I go back to my comments on old fic, I've always forgotten I ever wrote the lines people have quoted. XD #
- 20:38 LOOK, GUYS! @lovexmonsters started a @DANNEELHARRIS IS A BADASS meme. because she is. go play!! bekkis.livejournal.com/362520.html #
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