I'm not sure how this happened. *hands*

Jan 23, 2009 23:02

So I was going to write about the new SPN, but Clex found this site last night, and I played with it a bit. By which I mean that I ended up making all of the original Authority. :P

I had to put Apollo in daylight because it didn't look right for his hair to be all blowing in the wind when there's no sun. :P

Then I made this chick. Purely self-indulgent, but she was fun to put together.

And then I made some more people y'all might recognize.

His Canadian flag is Photoshopped on--I couldn't stand him having an American flag on his jacket. :P

And then! I made Sam and Dean!

Who were immediately followed by genderswapped Sam and Dean. :D

Dean came out looking kind of like Ellen, which doesn't surprise me that much.

And then it occurred to me that I could use the Winchester bases to make the JJs. \o/ Who look kind of pretty and gay in comparison.

Yeah. I think I'm done for a while now.

tv: supernatural, comics: the authority, tv: stargate, tv: doctor who, fandom: cw rpf, art: fanart

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