I had a lot of stuff to post about, okay?

Jan 01, 2009 18:37

  • LOOK, GUYS. xkcd has FANFIC! ♥_♥

  • So like. Is it me, or were there a lot of slashy vibes between the Doctor and the Not!Doctor/Jackson Lake? I'M JUST SAYING. In general, I liked it, especially the character stuff and the slow way they revealed Jackson's story. The Cybermen story was a bit weak, especially at the end (hai, exposition dump!), but you know, it's the Christmas episode of Doctor Who. I don't expect deep plots or heavy revelations. :P

  • It's New Year's Day, which means snowballwars is now open! And people HAVE WRITTEN FOR IT OMG. (Yes, I'm excited about that. My first time running a challenge, okay?)

  • Speaking of running challenges... I think most people who want to join this have, but I just realized I hadn't pimped whenboymeetsboy, which I'm running with Clex. So there you go. :P Claiming technically ends on the last day of posting, but we really want most people to be signed up by the 5th!

  • Also, I have gotten into A COMIC. WITH CANONICALLY GAY SUPERHEROES. ♥♥♥ I come from book and TV fandoms, so, um. It's a bit of a shock to my system. XD It's awesome, though--it's called The Authority, and it's about this group of heroes who want to make the Earth in their universe a better place, only much grittier and less cheesetastic than that. Apollo/Midnighter OTP!

  • And on that note:
    waterofthemoon says (5:53 PM): ......I want a Doctor Who/Authority crossover. even though they're in a whole separate reality from him.
    clex_monkie89 says (5:53 PM): XD
    waterofthemoon says (5:53 PM): THE TARDIS GOT SICK, OKAY?
    clex_monkie89 says (5:54 PM): XD
    waterofthemoon says (5:54 PM): :P
    clex_monkie89 says (5:54 PM): Tardis/Carrier OTP?
    waterofthemoon says (5:54 PM): YIS!
    waterofthemoon says (5:54 PM): femmeslash, even
    clex_monkie89 says (5:55 PM): Tardis/Carrier/Metallicar femmeslash OT3.
    waterofthemoon says (5:55 PM): Serenity says she feels left out :P
    clex_monkie89 says (5:56 PM): Well she's part of the OT4, of course.
    clex_monkie89 says (5:56 PM): There's an OTP, OT3 and OT4.
    clex_monkie89 says (5:56 PM): It's like SGA.
    waterofthemoon says (5:56 PM): \o/
    waterofthemoon says (5:57 PM): this sounds like the beginning of a bad porno. "The TARDIS, the Carrier, Metallicar*, and Serenity all landed on Atlantis..."

    *No, I don't know how Metallicar lands. Asgard beam? *hands*

  • In 2009, I vow to win this: getyourwordsout. 200,000 words in a year. *meeps*

fandom: whenboymeetsboy, recs: fandom, tv: doctor who, comics: xkcd, fandom: snowballwars, friends: chat, tv: firefly, tv: supernatural, comics: the authority, tv: stargate, writing: general, fandom: slash, recs: fic

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