Six slashy boys and a partridge in a pear tree

Aug 22, 2008 01:03

So SGA is cancelled. DDDDDDDDDD:


I'm gonna MISS my big gay space vampire show, y'all. *MOURNS*

In happier news, I can has SPN gag reel! :D OH BOYS. Clex and I watched it, and this was our response when it finished:

clex_monkie89 says (7:34 PM): BOYS!
waterofthemoon says (7:34 PM): they're IN LOVE
clex_monkie89 says (7:34 PM): ARE!
waterofthemoon says (7:34 PM): like
waterofthemoon says (7:34 PM): they were in love last year
waterofthemoon says (7:34 PM): but
clex_monkie89 says (7:35 PM): LOVE.
waterofthemoon says (7:35 PM): looooooooove
clex_monkie89 says (7:35 PM): Last year was NOTHING compared to this year.
waterofthemoon says (7:35 PM): SERIOUSLY.
waterofthemoon says (7:35 PM): you can't convince me those boys aren't fucking. LOOK AT THEM.
clex_monkie89 says (7:36 PM): YES!
clex_monkie89 says (7:36 PM): What is this "personal space" you speak of?
waterofthemoon says (7:36 PM): it does not exist
waterofthemoon says (7:36 PM): it has left the solar system

So, yes. HAI J2, I MISSED YOU. ♥♥♥

Also? I present this article, in which Michael says:

When asked if he's single, he responds, "Part of my life is kept to myself. I'm able to relax and be with my friends. Those pretty much are the only people who really know the answer to that question."

and this video, in which Ryan says:

Interviewer: Will you be seeing [Michael] in Baltimore at all, are you gonna make a swing through there at all?
Ryan: I told him I wanted to come see him and just hang out with him, so now that we have a little down time, I kinda wanna go see him and just relax, have fun.


tv: supernatural, tv: stargate, shipping: john/rodney, shipping: jared/jensen, share: pictures, friends: chat, shipping: phelps/lochte

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