Website woes...

Jul 06, 2006 15:14

A notice: My domain name,, has temporarily expired while I figure out how in the hell I am supposed to fix this when the hosting company I originally registered with won't let me just renew the namespace and the hosting company I'm currently with apparently doesn't know how to properly transfer domain names. Therefore, anything I've got hosted there (like graphics) won't load until I get this sorted, which will be after Warped deigns to respond to my polite yet desperate pleas for help support request. RAWR.

When it comes back up, though, it'll be fully updated and have a shiny new layout, which will be nice. Anyone know if IE 7 can render transparent PNGs properly yet? Because IE 6 definitely can't (they all have grey backgrounds), but I'm not changing something that looks absolutely gorgeous in Firefox just so it can use GIFs of a much poorer quality. Get a better browser, already. >.<

ETA (4:42 pm): Thanks to Warped support being awesome, I've got it sorted. Sort of. I've got a new registrar, but StartLogic's refusing to let me do a clean transfer of the domain name, so I've sent them similarly desperate pleas in hopes of a timely response. Wish me luck!

techie: website stuff

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