My creative process has thusly been spurned...

Jun 02, 2006 05:18

I made Firefly icons! Once I got started, I kept thinking of ideas for new ones... there's a bunch from various episodes and the movie, plus a few general ones. Some are funny, some are shippy, some are just plain cool. All are free for the taking, but if you do use any, please to be crediting waterofthemoon in your userpic keywords or comments. :D ( Read more... )

tv: firefly, art: icons, art: fanart

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Comments 44

cinnamon_sakaki June 2 2006, 21:26:22 UTC
Shiny! I love the Jaynestown Wash/Zoe one. As for requests, anything with Simon. Or Kaylee. Or Simon and Kaylee, I'm not fussy.


shadowgardens June 3 2006, 22:54:10 UTC
Took 20, 21 and 23. Thanks, will credit.


waterofthemoon July 5 2006, 04:30:23 UTC
Thanks! Glad you liked them. :)


(The comment has been removed)

waterofthemoon July 5 2006, 04:31:36 UTC
Thanks! That's one of my very favorite scenes, too. :D


cinnamontwist June 3 2006, 23:32:03 UTC
Great job on the icons! I'm taking No. 4. I'm all new and shiny to this fandom so these are great timing.


waterofthemoon July 5 2006, 04:34:47 UTC
Thanks! I was hoping someone would take one of those two. Yay for new shininess! :D


loves_bitch1301 June 3 2006, 23:47:56 UTC
These are wonderful. Snagging #'s 6, 20, and 21. Will credit.


waterofthemoon July 5 2006, 04:37:48 UTC
Thanks! Glad you liked 'em. :)


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