(no subject)

Jan 13, 2010 18:00

Title: Thor's Footsteps
Characters: Germania, Prussia, Holy Roman Empire
Notes: The story told is the one of Creation of the World as the Norsemen knew it. When Germania still had his little brother Scandinavia with him, he'd make up these stories to help him through times of terror. Scandinavia took them as his own, and Germania changed details and names in his.

The storm battered the house as hard as a axe cut through the forests, the shelves shaking and their occupants threatening to spill over. One did: A container of flour fell to the floor and split open, the loud crack awakening two boys as they huddled together for comfort. Neither made a sound as they heard the wrath of the gods above them, the wind howling and rain smashing against the roof. Finally, the older and larger of the two spoke, a whisper barely audible in comparison of the storm.

"Hey, bruder?"


"You scared?"

"Are you?"

"Of course not! I was just wonderin' if you were."

"I'm not."

"You so are."

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not--"

This battle of whispers was silenced as a loud roar of thunder rolled above them, the lightning cackling in delight of their shudders of fear. Finally, the younger looked up from his place curled up against at him. A moment of understanding passed between them, and the two carefully shuffled out of their bed and peeked into their grandfather's, more of a father since they had never known their real fathers', room. The younger brother climbed onto the bed and prodded his grandfather, while his older brother went to the other side to try and wake him up.

"Vater? Vater. Vater!"

A shake was accompanied with each of the urgent whispers, and the man cracked open an eye to glare at whoever was trying to awaken him. When he realized it was just his two children, he sat up on his elbows to look at them both.


Silence. The older of two children shifted uncomfortably, shame burning his face red in the unseeing darkness. The younger cleared his throat and looked across to his brother, waiting. The other stared back at him, just as expectant. Finally, the younger sighed.

"Vati, can we sleep with you?"

Such a simple request would never go unattended, but the oldest man didn't say a word, rather, he just lay down on his back. This was sign enough for the pair, who immediately got under the blankets and pressed against their grandfather, his warmth giving them the comfort they longed for. But this was not enough for the older brother, who told his grandfather to tell them a story so they could sleep. He blew air out of his mouth in irritation, but began a story the two knew very well.

"Ages ago, there was a time when heaven, earth, and sea did not exist..."

char: prussia, canon: axis powers hetalia, char: holy roman empire, char: germania

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