I just got your package today! I couldn't believe when I read how long ago you sent it. I thought for sure that, after all that time and distance, it'd be inedible, but it was just fine. :D Just ate one of the bars; that was really good; very similar to American chocolate.
LOL. That's a bizarrely long time, even if it *was* sent from Croatia. o.O Glad you liked it, I guess it was more of a Valentine's than a Christmas present, but hey, better late than never, no? :D
Wow, this sounds interesting! Maybe I'll remember this for next year. I can't recall the movies I've seen at all. [Series should be easy though, I only watch Merlin/Una Voce Particolare/Project Runway, and the last 2 ended. Boo. Speaking of Merlin, it's missing on your list! :O] I do try to do it with books. 50 books this year. I'm on 11. Part of me feels failure floating around this goal.. *sigh* Good luck with your goals!
edit: I fail miserably at reading. I used to read so much when I was younger, I have no idea what happened in the meantime. I'm really trying to improve, though. :(
Aww =[ Same here. I used to read all the time, now.. not so much. I'm on Goodreads though, and that sorta keeps me motivated to keep on reading even when I don't have to for school. Though most reading I do is still for school. Or could be for school, since I read loads of information books on e.g. Sisi too. [I'm trying to expand my interest in history, which, till last year, was pretty non-existent.]
Bok. Prvi put sam na tvojoj stranici i slučajno sam je našla dok sam tražila slike. Nadam se da ti ne smeta što sada komentiram jer se zapravo ne znamo. Dakle, da prokomentiram tvoju listu: imamo sličan odabir što se tiće filmova. Nažalost neke filmove nisam stigla pogledati a na mojoj listi gledanja. To sam odlučila pogledati sada preko praznika. Za listu serija, eh, pa nisam čula za neke jer baš i ne gledam na tv-u ali pratim Merlin, prije sam pratila Mentalist i Privatna praksa ali sam ih zamijenila; iskreno ne znam zašto.
Comments 17
I just got your package today! I couldn't believe when I read how long ago you sent it. I thought for sure that, after all that time and distance, it'd be inedible, but it was just fine. :D Just ate one of the bars; that was really good; very similar to American chocolate.
Thank you! :)
And check out last year's entry for Merlin. ;)
edit: I fail miserably at reading. I used to read so much when I was younger, I have no idea what happened in the meantime. I'm really trying to improve, though. :(
Ohh, Merlin! :D
Aww =[ Same here. I used to read all the time, now.. not so much. I'm on Goodreads though, and that sorta keeps me motivated to keep on reading even when I don't have to for school. Though most reading I do is still for school. Or could be for school, since I read loads of information books on e.g. Sisi too. [I'm trying to expand my interest in history, which, till last year, was pretty non-existent.]
Prvi put sam na tvojoj stranici i slučajno sam je našla dok sam tražila slike. Nadam se da ti ne smeta što sada komentiram jer se zapravo ne znamo.
Dakle, da prokomentiram tvoju listu: imamo sličan odabir što se tiće filmova. Nažalost neke filmove nisam stigla pogledati a na mojoj listi gledanja. To sam odlučila pogledati sada preko praznika.
Za listu serija, eh, pa nisam čula za neke jer baš i ne gledam na tv-u ali pratim Merlin, prije sam pratila Mentalist i Privatna praksa ali sam ih zamijenila; iskreno ne znam zašto.
I di to gledaš La Usurpadora??? Ja biiii.
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