Title: Book's Legacy
Author: Jedi Buttercup
Disclaimer: All your Firefly and Serenity are belong to Joss Whedon.
Rating: FR15
Summary: Mal recieves a mysterious package from Southdown Abbey, leading the crew of Serenity on a voyage of discovery. Into every generation...
Spoilers: All episodes of "Firefly", SERENITY
Notes: This story is set entirely in the Firefly 'verse, but contains Buffyverse crossover elements. Begun in October 2005, continued for the 2006, 2008 and 2010 Finishathons.
References: Much of the Chinese slang used herein came from the
Firefly-Serenity Chinese Pinyinary, though some was from other sources, and for dates I consulted Edgar Governo's
Firefly Timeline.
Mail Call on Persephone1.
Clearing the Air2.
Ugly Truths3.
Awful Lonely4.
An Uncluttered Sky5.
Uncertain Footing6.
Time to Awake7.
Plotting Sequences8.
Deep Cleaning9.
Disrupted Rhythms10.
More Than Words11.
Finding Answers12.
Beacons of True Civilization13.
Storm's Getting Worse14. (wip)
Last updated August 15, 2010
Current wordcount: 32600