Well, we've had low participation of late, so I'm hoping going back to a character (picture) challenge will increase participation a bit. Next is Vivian, and based on
the poll, her episode is Risen. Unfortunately, the majority of her pictures having her wear the same coat, but I tried to get a variety, and did end up with quite a number of them for you to choose from.
The pictures are all from
The Source.
Vivian in Risen 1Vivian in Risen 2Vivian in Risen 3Vivian in Risen 4Vivian in Risen 5Vivian in Risen 6Vivian in Risen 7Vivian in Risen 8Vivian in Risen 9Vivian in Risen 10Vivian in Risen 11Vivian in Risen 12Vivian in Risen 13Vivian in Risen 14Vivian in Risen 15Vivian in Risen 16Vivian in Risen 17 There you go. One special rule for this week is that Vivian must be the focus of your icon. (Some of the pictures include other people, and it is fine to have them in the icon, but please don't take a picture of Vivian, Jack, and Samantha and crop it so it is just Samantha.) Also, the tone of the icon must be positive/neutral; no character bashing. I figure these rules are probably self-explanatory in a Vivian challenge, but I thought I'd say it anyway.
The Rules for the Week
**You may submit four icons this week.
**You may only use the pictures provided, but you may use any textures, brushes, etc. that you would like.
**Feel free to blend caps and/or animate.
**Please submit your icons to this post, both the icon and the url please.
**Don't share your icons until voting is finished. :)
**Icons are due Sunday, November 5th by 10pm EST.
Here is that time converted to other time zones.
If you're new or just want a refresher, feel free to check out the
userinfo for a complete set of rules.
Also, if you need any help with entering the challenge there is a tutorial
And again, if you have any suggestions, please visit
here to make them.
Have fun, and I hope to see a lot of wonderful Vivian icons!
(And if you haven't yet voted (which would be a lot of you as there are only five votes), then you may do so
here. Thanks.)