~False Impression~ Chapter 3

Nov 02, 2009 19:39

Chapter 3

After witnessing Jaejoong’s kind deed, Yunho knew he could never forget the angel that has captured his heart. There was no way what Heechul had described him to be would be true. Absolutely no way.

As they make their way closer to where Jaejoong awaits, Yunho decides that he will break of his practically nonexistent love relationship with Heechul, and this time, he will approach Jaejoong and hopefully claim the angel as his.

Just then, Jaejoong finally spots his hyung and happily waves to him.

“Sheesh! Doesn’t he have enough attention already? Look at that idiot wave!” Heechul grumbles.

“Heechul-ah, I think he is just happy to see you.” Yunho replied.

Heechul gave him a glare, “Well, I’m definitely not happy to see him.”

At that time, Jaejoong notices there is a guy walking beside his hyung, he wasn’t sure who it was, but that guy sure looks familiar. He tilts his head in wonder, and then decides that it didn’t matter, so he began waving again at both of his hyung and the guy he supposed would be his hyung’s friend.

“Just great. Now he is going to hit on you! That little slut!” Heechul murmured.

Yunho smile to himself at that comment, thinking ‘I really wouldn’t mind if he is hitting on me...’

Upon seeing Jaejoong grabbing his heavy suitcases, Yunho quickly ran over, and took the luggage from Jaejoong’s hands “Let me help.”

“Eh?” Jaejoong was puzzled seeing a stranger nicely offering to help him. He gave the stranger a shy smile and a soft “thank you.”

“My pleasure!” Yunho returns the smile.

They caught each other’s eyes, both still smiling. At that moment, both of their hearts skips a beat and their cheeks became entirely flushed. It seemed like time had come to a halt, and there were only the two of them in the world.

“AHEM!” Heechul who was watching HIS boyfriend helping his hateful little brother, cleared his throat to catch their attention.

To his pleasure it has worked.

Jaejoong who had almost forgot his hyung was here, quickly recomposed himself and wanted to give Heechul a hug.

Yet when he turned to face his hyung, what he saw was an extremely angry Heechul stomping his way over to them.

Heechul was beyond angry.

All of his hard work over the past months, from befriending Yunho to become his boyfriend, he had tried hard to erase Yunho’s love for his little brother and replace it with his own! Oh yes, he had known Yunho loved Jaejoong, of course he would notice, since Heechul himself had been in love with Yunho, yet every time he looks at Yunho, Yunho is always looking at Jaejoong. The worst part is, Heechul had been Yunho’s classmate; he had known and loved Yunho way before Yunho even knew of Jaejoong’s existence! Yet Yunho never paid any attention to him! Jaejoong who was a grade lower somehow managed to capture Yunho’s heart so easily, how he did it was not beyond Heechul, because he had witness Jaejoong capturing the hearts of so many people.

Of course Heechul would be angry. When little angel Jaejoong was born, his parents basically forgot his existence. Even though Jaejoong’s mom is actually Heechul’s step mother, but before Jaejoong was born, she had treated Heechul like her real son! When they had found out Jaejoong’s mom could not reproduce, she became extra caring for Heechul. This time period had meant everything to Heechul since his own mom had died at an age where he needed maternal care. Then with Jaejoong’s birth, both parents completely turned to Jaejoong and absolutely adored him. He was a miracle. His mom who had no chance of reproducing gave birth to him! An angel that graced them with his presence, allowing something they thought impossible become possible. Certainly they wouldn’t let the angel suffer. So they always made sure Jaejoong had the best of everything, and always got what he had wanted, and even got him things he never thought of wanting however it has been deemed by the parents fitting for a prince like Jaejoong.

With all of their extra efforts to make Jaejoong live a charming life, they left Heechul feeling completely neglected. Heechul was jealous and detested Jaejoong for taking away his parents’ love and care. And now that he wanted to seek what he had missed out on through a potential boyfriend, Jaejoong has unintentionally stolen that as well!

Oh yes Heechul was also jealous of Jaejoong for getting to study abroad, it was something he had always wanted to do. Jaejoong got it without even wanting to, while his parents had brushed it off when Heechul begged for the opportunity. However, Heechul can’t help but be a little happy since now that Jaejoong was out of the way, he had a good chance with Yunho! So he took no time in becoming Yunho’s friend and even asked Yunho to become his boyfriend. To his delight, Yunho had agreed. He didn’t mind that Yunho agreed because he wanted to get over Jaejoong. However, as time went on, when Yunho realized he couldn’t actually forget Jaejoong, it seemed like Yunho was trying to get to know Jaejoong more through Heechul. And Heechul felt it, especially when Yunho started asking lots of questions about Jaejoong and seemed generally interested. Of course Heechul didn’t want to talk about his brother, but if this was the reason why Yunho stayed with him, by not complying Yunho may leave him, and Heechul wouldn’t want that! So he decided to tell Yunho about Jaejoong. Oh yes he would. He will tell Yunho lots of things about Jaejoong… And maybe tweak a little something here and there to his discretion! It was perfect! He could talk bad about Jaejoong and get to keep Yunho to himself! How lovely is that plan? Killing two birds with one stone!

He relayed to Yunho how Jaejoong had been a spoiled child that did everything he could to get his parents’ attention. How Jaejoong always got what he wanted, even things that weren’t suppose to be for him. Like how Jaejoong had became the heir of their family company instead of Heechul who should have been the rightful heir as their father’s firstborn son. Also how after hearing Heechul’s proposal of studying abroad, Jaejoong had BEGGED their parents to let him go. Of course, the spoilt brat just has to get EVERYTHING he wanted, including that opportunity. So in effect, he had taken away Heechul’s chance of doing something he had always wanted to do.

Was any of that true? Of course not! Jaejoong wasn’t spoilt in that sense. He got all that stuff, but not because he had wanted any of it. His parents were the one that decided to name him heir, and we all know that Jaejoong never wanted to go study abroad. He never wanted to leave his family and friends, that’s why he is so grateful to be back. But who was there to stop Heechul from telling these twisted stories? And without someone correcting him, telling Yunho the truth, sooner or later Yunho’s view of Jaejoong would definitely change.

The thing is, it was working.

Yunho had stopped asking about Jaejoong as often. To the point every time Heechul brought up something about Jaejoong, a frown would appear on Yunho’s face.

Everything was going great just great in Heechul’s life. With Jaejoong’s absence, their parents actually paid attention to Heechul, and he felt loved and cared for by his family again. Of course there’s Yunho, who was slowly beginning to hate Jaejoong, and was actually becoming more like a real boyfriend to Heechul!


Why did Jaejoong just HAVE to come back NOW?!

He will only ruin everything Heechul has worked hard to get back! Everything Heechul treasured will be gone again!

NO. He wasn’t going to let that happen!

So preoccupied with his boiling rage, Heechul didn’t see the car that was making a sharp turn from the nearby lane, heading towards him.

“HYUNG!” Jaejoong’s eyes enlarges in fright when he sees the car heading towards Heechul, he immediately dashes toward his frightened hyung to push him out of the way, not even caring that he himself may get hurt in the process.

Only after hearing Jaejoong’s yell had the driver realize how close he is about to hit someone, he quickly slammed on the breaks.

The car screeched.

Jaejoong got to Heechul.

A scream.

And everything blacked out.


fanfic, yunjae, false impression

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