~False Impression~ Chapter 2

Nov 01, 2009 17:48

Chapter 2

Jaejoong gracefully makes his way out of their airplane to pick up his luggage. He is extremely glad to set his foot in his homeland again. Just hearing the sounds people chatting around him in Korean brings the delicate smile onto his flawless face.

He had longed for this moment ever since he was told he would be studying abroad. Thankfully, his best friend or soulmate had gone after him. If it wasn’t for Yoochun, Jaejoong was sure he would have died of homesickness.

After picking up his luggage, Jaejoong leisurely made his way to entrance of the airport. His plane had arrived earlier than usual, so his family shouldn’t be here yet. To save them the trouble of finding him inside the huge airport, Jaejoong decided to take a seat right by entrance. That way surely they couldn’t miss each other.

Once he settled down in his seat, Jaejoong decided to call his parents, to report of his safe arrival.

The phone barely finished its first ring when Mrs. Kim hastily picked up the phone, “Jaejoongie! How are you? Did you arrive yet? How was the plane trip? My baby, are you tired?”

Jaejoong let out a chuckle at his mom’s long list of questions concerning himself, “Umma, I’m fine! I just got off the plane! I’m just calling to tell you that.”

“Oh good! Thank goodness! Umma would have died if anything happened to you! Oh goodness, how I wish I could see you right now! I want to make sure my baby is not harmed in any sort of way!” Mrs. Kim let out her longing. “Heechul should be on his way to pick you up, I’ll give him a call to make sure he hurries!”

“Umma!” Jaejoong lets out another giggle. “That’s not necessary. I don’t mind waiting.”

“Oh no my baby, I’ll have to call him. I had told him to leave earlier, if he had done so he would be there already! Aish, that way my Jaejoongie wouldn’t have to wait!” Mrs. Kim rambled on. “Let me call him, to make sure he will be there soon, okay?”

“Umma, that’s really not necessay, I’m sure Heechul hyung-”

Before he finishes his sentence Mrs. Kim already hung up the phone and is dialing Heechul’s number.

“Oh how I wish I could kill that brat!” Heechul lets out a frustrated sigh. “He freaking called Umma telling her he had arrived! I bet he has complained to her about waiting, now that she has called me scolding me for not getting out of the house faster! Now Umma is blaming ME for making her precious little boy wait!”

“I’m sure he just called to make sure your parents didn’t worry.” Yunho interjected. It was a pretty logical reason to him.

“Yea right! I bet he called so Umma would be angry at me for not being there when he has arrived, even when his plan has arrived much earlier than scheduled!” Heechul was not about to listen to reasoning. Especially when his BOYFRIEND was defending the very person he hates.

Yunho let’s out a soft sigh of defeat. There was no way he could change Heechul’s mind about this.

“Don’t think much about it now, we are already here.” Yunho states, as he eases his car into the parking lot.

“Oh good, I just can’t WAIT to see that brat again.” Heechul continues to grumble.

Yunho ignores Heechul’s sarcastic comment and focuses on calming down his racing heart. ‘I can’t believe I’m going to see him again. He probably doesn’t even know who I am! But still! I will see him again!’ Yunho’s mind screams.

They make their way towards the airport entrance, and from a long way Yunho had already spotted the blonde haired angel, sitting there waiting.

Yunho’s heart is now pounding again, and he hopes dearly Heechul will not hear it, because that would definitely infuriate him.

“Oh great. What a show off! He is waiting at the entrance, so everyone can see him! Goodness, has he no shame in himself?” Heechul contested.

‘Does he need to be ashamed? He is absolutely perfect’ Yunho was clearly too absorbed in Jaejoong’s beauty to even think straight let alone hear or remember all the bad things about jaejoong Heechul once relayed to him.

“Can’t believe he dyed his hair! BLONDE too! Is he crazy? It makes him look worse than he looked before! But one thing for sure, it certainly does catch attention.” Heechul spat.

Yunho took a longer look at Jaejoong and his now blonde hair framing his perfect face, making his big round chocolaty eyes and his plump red lips stand out even more. The only thing that crossed Yunho’s mind is… Beautiful. Simply beautiful.

Jaejoong looked around him to look for his hyung, but he didn’t really know which way Heechul would be coming. Instead he spotted an elderly lady that had come through the exit having a hard time dragging her luggage, and is now looking around for a place to wait for her family.

Jaejoong immediately stood up from his seat and makes his way to the lady to assist her with her luggage, “Here, let me help you sit over here.” Jaejoong helped the lady to sit down in the seat he had previously occupied, and brought her luggage to her.

The elderly lady smiles at the kind act, “Thank you.”

“You are very welcome.” Jaejoong smiles back gently, and went to stand by his luggage.

Yunho who had witnessed the whole entire kind act couldn’t help let a soft lovesick smile grace his features.

This was the Jaejoong he had fell deeply in love with. The very angel that had touched his heart has done it again.

Yunho could still recall the very first time he had meet the angel.

Unlike most fairytales with the sun shinning and the birds chirping, that day was very dark and gloomy. The rain poured down like a waterfall, lighting flashed across the sky, and the thunder roared violently. Yunho had hurried on the dry cozy bus and had found a seat. A little after him, four boys his age boarded the same bus and took the seats across from where he sat.

One boy in particular caught Yunho’s eyes. He was just across the aisle from where Yunho sat. Yunho couldn’t take his eyes off of him. This boy was gorgeous! His raven hair, damp, yet still carefully framed his well sculpted face; with his big doe eyes darting around too look at who else was on the bus. When those eyes found Yunho’s amazed ones, the boy’s rose red lips curves up into a shy smile.

Yunho had sworn right at that moment, he has lost his heart, and the captor of his heart didn’t even know it.

Slowly the bus began the fill; people were already starting to stand in the aisle, which blocked Yunho’s view of the beauty.

Yunho sighed. He had hoped to steal a couple more glances of the angel.

The bus slowly began to pull away, though when the driver saw a speeding car racing pass on the lane the bus tried to enter, the bus came to a sudden halt. The passengers were responded with a jolt in their spot. However, there was a little boy standing by where Yunho had sat, since he wasn’t tall enough to hold onto the railings, his only hold was his mom, and do to the rain, their hands were still slippery, causing the boy’s hand to slip out of his mom’s with the bus’ sudden stop, and the boy ended up on the floor of the bus with bleeding knees. Before the mom was able to reach for the little boy, the angel Yunho had seen before already got out of his seat and picked up the little boy to let him sit while the angel kneeled to blow softly onto the boy’s knees and wipe away the tears from the boys eyes.

The little boy’s mom immediately thanked the angel, telling him how much she had appreciated his actions. The angel only let out another soft smile, saying it was he had only done what anyone else would have done in the given situation.

Then when the bus started again, the angel stood with the hands on the rails by Yunho’s seat.

“Jaejoong-ah, why don’t you take my seat?” The boy whom the angel had originally sat by offered to give the angel a seat.

‘Jaejoong… So that was his name.’ Yunho immediately engraved the name into his mind.

“No Yoochun, just sit still.” The soft yet melodious voice of the angel reached Yunho’s ears.

“But Jae, you just recovered from the fever and ran in the rain. I can’t let you-”

Yunho’s heart clenched. His angel was sick, and he gave up his seat for someone else?

“No Yoochun, I’m fine.” This time Jaejoong’s voice came out stern, telling the other boy he is not giving in.

When Jaejoong noticed the little boy’s mom’s concerned look, he gave her another smile to reassure her that he was really alright.

Yunho had not missed the concerned look on Yoochun’s face and the faces of the two boys sitting in front of them.

Jaejoong saw as well, and he shook his head to tell them he was not going to give up his position standing, and turned his back towards them to avoid their worries and face the side where Yunho was sitting.

Oh how Yunho had wanted offer his seat to delicate being with a beautiful heart. He had to fight off a strong urge to hug the angel that had captured his heart after this single encounter.

When their gazes meet again, Yunho let out a loving smile and a firm nod to signify how touched he was by the man’s action. Jaejoong understood its meaning and returned a soft shy smile.

The few days after, Yunho had not been able to see the lovely angel again. But he has heard the angel’s name whispered throughout the hallways of their school. Apparently the angel had fallen sick again, and just about the entire school is worried to death and hopes for a swift recovery.

None of them knew this story of the angel’s kind act, which made Yunho felt special, yet his heart remained heavy knowing the angel was sick.

Jaejoong appeared at school again as soon as he recovered. Yunho watched him carefully as he makes his way around the school livingly up everyone’s day. Everything Yunho saw made him fall deeper for Jaejoong, though since he is always surrounded by a big crowd, Yunho never had the courage to approach the angel, and when he did, it was already too late.


fanfic, yunjae, false impression

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