Wanted: Chapter 2

Sep 07, 2009 18:01

~Chapter 2~

That night, the full moon was entirely hidden behind the massive grey clouds, moving ever so slowly producing an eerie sensation. Even the shadows that are usually lurking around are hidden by the mass darkness.

As ancient clock stroke twelve, signaling the release of dark midnight magic, Jaejoong shot up from his sleeping form.

Something was terribly wrong.

Carefully, Jaejoong scanned his room, as if looking for something, anything, out of place. Yet there was nothing. In the midst of totally darkness, he couldn’t see anything. Once visual senses were blocked, his hearing sharpened.

Soon he was able to pick up the hushed demanding voice of his father ring loudly in this silent night, “They are coming, you must leave now.”

Alarms sounded in Jaejoong’s head. ‘Coming?! …Leave?!’

Indeed, something was awfully amiss.

Then, a women’s sob was heard. “I--- we can’t leave without you… Come with us!” It was his mom’s tearful pleads.

“You know I can’t. You must understand. They are after me; they won’t stop the hunt unless they capture me. You have to go now; it’s possibly the only chance.” What Jaejoong heard was his dad’s calm voice, attempting so hard to hide the ache in his heart.

“No! ---There must--- be--- another way! I can’t leave, I won’t leave without you!”

“There’s no time! Think of our sons, take them and leave now.” Jaejoong’s father’s voiced turned stern, his demand left no room for argument.

After a moment of silence, light footsteps could be heard approaching Jaejoong’s room.

Immediately, Jaejoong fell back onto his bed, pulled his covers close and pretended to be sleep.

Soon, with the twist of the doorknob, his mom’s figure appeared in the doorway with sleeping Junsu in her arms. She hurriedly made her way to Jaejoong’s bedside.

“Jaejoong, wake up.” A sweet whisper filled with urgency tried to shake Jaejoong awake from his slumber once again.

The already awake boy opened up his big round eyes staring into his mom’s teary eyes searchingly, as if looking for confirmation that something bad is not going to happen. Yet he found nothing but tears that continued make their escape.

“Come on honey, get dressed. We need to get out of here.” His mom’s voice barely a whisper, yet Jaejoong’s ears were able to capture and his brain was able to comprehend.

The obedient boy hurriedly dressed with his mom’s help, and the three of them rushed in the darkness down the stairs and out the backdoor.

As a little Seven-year-old, Jaejoong was much more understanding than anyone could expect. Not once did he ask about his dad, for he knew by asking it would bring tears to his mom’s eyes. He understood that something has happened and now they must run away, and his dad loved his family enough to suffer alone in hopes that his family will get away.

This boy was also observant enough to notice the fact that they did not get to see his dad once when they made their escape. Though he knew his dad was there, standing in the shadows watching them leave, saying his silent goodbyes in his heart.

When they were quite a ways away from the house, he couldn’t help but look back. He noticed the rooms that were filled with darkness just moments ago were now lit. Jaejoong was able to identify his dad’s silhouette facing shadows of other men. He heard loud voices, but they were too far for him to make anything out of it. Then, a loud bang erupted. The silence of the night is utterly shuttered. And he watched as the shadow of dad crumple to the hard marble floor.

Unable to take anymore, Jaejoong forced himself to turn away and hurry after his mom with tears silently staining his pale cheeks.

He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, stumbling here and there. Yet he picked himself up, ignored the burning pain caused by his scraped knees and followed his mom who never looked back once, not even to check if Jaejoong was with her.

Their breathing became heavy and chopped as they ran almost aimlessly. At least Jaejoong had no idea where they were going, and guessed that his mom didn’t know either judging by her anxious searching looks.

However aimless they may be, they continued to move forward, into the darkness of the night and nearing the ever expanding ocean, searching for a possible place to hide from the possible dangers waiting for them.

Every step forward made Jaejoong want to scream in pain, yet he held it, he understood that by crying out now would definitely give away their position to whomever that is following them. When he fell down once again, his knees hit the soft sand that stung his already bruised knees even more, so he bit his lips to stiffen a cry.

Against the sound of the ocean waves, Jaejoong heard hurried footsteps that seemed to be catching up to them.

Their pace quickened.

Soon, Jaejoong noticed that they were no longer on the sandy part of the beach where families come for vacation; they were now fighting their way forward along the rocky path of the beach.

Then something caught Jaejoong’s mom’s eyes. Just about a few feet in front of them was a cave that was barely in view. She speedily made her way towards the cave without another thought.

Jaejoong followed. His mind was completely void of everything except the fact that he needs to stay close to his mom and brother. He couldn’t lose another family member, because they are all he had. After seeing the shaking image of his dad after the earthshaking gunshot, all Jaejoong wanted to do was hold on tight to the rest of his family. Even if his mom was taking him to the last circle of the Inferno, he would have determinedly followed in order to be with his family.

He couldn’t remember how he maintaining his breathes or if he was breathing at all, but when his mom suddenly came to a full stop making him stop in his tracks as well, he realized how much his body was lacking oxygen.

With almost all the energy sucked out of him from the run, he dropped down on the ground panting heavily. When his sense came back, he realized he was in the depth of a cave.

His mom turned around and gave Jaejoong an incomprehensible look that frightened the poor little boy causing him to scramble backwards. She held baby Junsu close to her chest and kneeled down beside Jaejoong, putting her soft hands on his tear stained cheeks.

As she brought Jaejoong’s face closer to hers, he found an odd glint in her eyes.

“Jaejoong, stay here and don’t make a sound.” She commanded and stood up again to leave the confused boy.

Seeing his mom was about to leave him, he quickly grabbed her wrist and plead, “Umma, please don’t leave me.”

His mom shook his hands off and continued her way.

Out of panick, Jaejoong sprang of from his position and hugged his mom’s legs tightly as if his life depended on it.

To him, it was true. His life did depend on this, whether his mom would leave him or not. If mom leaves with Junsu, and once she does, his family will be gone. All of them, abandoning him, leaving him to fend for himself.

With a moment of hesitation, his mom turned around and caressed Jaejoong’s face with her hand, “Don’t worry, Umma will be back for you. Don’t move until I come back, okay?”

Jaejoong shook his head profusely. He couldn’t listen. He didn’t hear any of it. NO. His mom was going to leave. And that was that. Take Junsu with her and leaving him here? NO!

“Umma, take me with you.” Jaejoong begged, and tried to stand up, battling the need to cry out caused by the burning sensation in his legs.

“No.” That was only reply he got.

“… Umma, don’t leave Jaejoong! Please! I’ll be a good boy! I won’t be any trouble! I promise!” Jaejoong continued to plead.

Not wanting to take another word, Jaejoong’s mom pushed her son away, causing him to fall back.

His mom left.

His father was murdered; his mom took his brother yet left him.

He was alone.

All he had was a shaky promise. A promise that his mom would return…

The pain in Jaejoong’s little body intensified, he was hurt beyond any Seven-year-old should be, physical and emotionally, making him unable to move. All he could do is let his tears poor out hysterically while his figure is still hidden in the immense darkness night that matched the darkness in the boy’s soul, not a ray of light was to be seen and not a ray of hope shined in his heart.

After all, He has been abandoned… He was, unwanted.


fanfic, yunjae, wanted

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