Title: The Caged Bird's Song ((Part Two))
Pairing: Kirk/SpockPrime with implied other pairings
Rating: PG-13. It will get up to NC-17 though.
Summary: Based on the following prompt- Instead of the XI universe, SpockPrime ends up in a universe where Romulans have enslaved humans. So logically SpockPrime seeks out Jim Kirk, who is a slave, and buys
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Comments 2
He removed the metal collar around the human’s neck, setting it beside the collar.
Think you made a little mistake there. ;-)
If you're looking for more constructive criticism, you could try posting this to various comms to get some traffic- newtrekslash for instance. You might also find a beta reader helpful. In this chapter you're switching POV a few times which isn't exactly a bad thing but if I were your beta reader I'd recommend sticking to one person's POV for each chapter. You might find stuff like that helpful as you write more fics. :-)
Great job though! Hope you update soon!
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