004. Insides.Word Count: 128
Rating: G
Summary: Insides never interested him.
Orion had never been interested in how things worked, how their insides fit together, how they ticked and turned and pulsed and did what they were supposed to do. They did. He could trust that.
Of course, if they broke down, he'd get other people to fix that, but it still wasn't his problem. He liked the mystery. He didn't need to know what gears or wires or organs did.
Well, he learned what they did, but he didn't care. It was just another course in school, or another lecture from his parents. His need to know, he pondered, had been stunted somehow. The driving academic curiosity that Jessie and Emery had had shifted to the low-key idle pondering of he and Alix.
He figured outsides were much more interesting, anyways.