Oh, for god's sakes, you're all such nancies. *she said, to nobody in particular*
More than just "reality" - I have to put that in quotation marks in order for people to read it like it's meant in earnest - I really hate fandom sometimes. Because fandom reflects reality in all its stupidity.
You check it out. If you come back saying the female half
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Comments 59
PS: OMG, 'to wake up famous' - that's how Mischa must be feeling. He's been ALL OVER the place. Tough I must admit I like him a LOT in the role (AND with dark hair), but the promo shots of the actor that Andreas's posted...he looks too much like Darren Heyes (ex Savage Garden gay singer) for my liking. Nice though to have another male hottie to squee over.
Well, that too ;) But I can honestly say I've never had the curiousity or the desire to be man, to see how it is.
I'm very comfortable to be what I am, and of the advantages my sex brings (because there are), and I try not to be too bitter...you know, pope and all, here in Italy mysogyny is the last injustice. There are so many things to be fixed in the mind of people that I wouldn't even where to start.
Well, he's not as unnaturally pretty as Jensen I guess, so when he's not in the show he's less groomed and beautiful. But I don't know...he looks so nice and low profile in those pics, I think I already adore him.
I'll have a reason to cry this season, I know already :(
And it's such a pity he was not famous ^^' Also I was wondering when we'd start to see RPS on him, and on the newsettler I saw it! *giggles*
I hope they explained to him the 'disadvantages' of working in SPN *LOL*
Anyway. I just hope...things turn the better side to you. I've missed you.
You're probably right. Yeah, I am in the dark end of my mood spectrum. I don't want you to worry, though; there's nothing going on with me that's never happened before. Like I told Lu, my filter against various injustices is not really working these days. I get that sometimes. And I just get very critical of the way the world works. Well, more critical than usual :)
/says who actually, who wants to shotgun some people at work at elast once a day).
*lol* I see you know at least a little bit about rage? ;) I usually don't fantasize about shotguns, though; I prefer flame throwers
I just hope...things turn the better side to you. I've missed you.
Thank you! Hey, I missed you, too. I hope I'll have the time and the energy to be on lj a bit more often soon. It's always good to talk to you and Lu. I'm sure that between the two of you, you can cheer me up with a good old-fashioned squee ;P
I'd try to cheer you up with some squee but you resisted proudly my episode squee :( I'll try to resort to new methods.
I hope you'll get better soon anyway, and I'll be asking you about those tests anyway, if you forget to let me know *hugs*
I'd probably be a lot more susceptible to episode squee if it hadn't been for that Christian lore suddenly being brandished. That's the surest way to make me see red; they really shouldn't have done that. And then of course it didn't help that I was in a bit of a mean mood to begin with, heh. But never fear: like I said, none of that subtracts from the fact that (like the rating whores they are) they had JA flaunt that sweet little tummy of his ;P
As for my health, I'm feeling reasonably well, and I'll keep you posted about the tests, that's a promise :)
And enough about me. Something troubling you since you're in a depressive mood?
Bless you, you pay me the coolest compliments, ha-hah
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