Final Word Drabble Challenge

Feb 21, 2008 08:08

dickgloucester started the Final Word Drabble Challenge. The rules are simple. I'll give you a one-word prompt. It has to be the final word of the drabble you post in response in my comments section. As many people as feel the urge can respond. Any rating, any Potterverse pairing/situation ... anything that grabs your muse by the short and curlies. (I do warn you, however, that anyone who so much as hints at romantic Ron/Hermione in anything resembling a favourable light will be systematically slaughtered.) Time limit of a week; the first person to post their drabble gets to choose the word for the next round and host the gathering at their LJ.

I won last week, so I get to choose, and I have chosen: intact.


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