I think she took it a little literally when she first saw someone call it "ar-pee". Either that or she got caught teabagging someone and tried to explain it away.
"The gods"--that detail makes me think this is a plagiarism, or she created this character for another RPG and now wants to play it in WoW.
I'm not entirely sure about that part either. I think the part that squigged me out more than the urine was the bile. Is this like normal behavior for a wolf in the wild? Do they pee on thier kills to mark it as theirs? I honestly am curious about this.
Some coyotes are known to pee on kills they're forced to abandon. I don't know if its for marking purposes or for spoiling it for other animals though. I guess its like spitting in your food so no one else will want to touch it?
Mmyeah. She'd be a great original character, and the concept isn't horrible on its own, but when you put it in WoW, it's painful and way too much.
Also, I don't mind dual-classing...I kind of do it on my monk-like rogue...but I honestly have no idea why she needs to have this many powers. That's probably the more Mary Sue thing to me here than the backstory. Horny magical priesthunterdruidmage...fuck's sake, just PICK ONE.
It's a pretty common thing. The only thing that comes to mind immediately though is the myth of Asclepios, who brought a man back to life with his mad doctor skillz and the gods went "Aw shit, if he can do that people don't need us!" and smote his ass.
Was she going for something like "sapiens"? Or did she mean sentient?
Either way, no.
I'd love to see her have a go at mind control with any of my Alliance characters. Even the laid back, friendly one would be prone to dragging her out back and bringing out the sharp, druid-y claws.
Well, "sentient" means "having the faculty of senses", although sci-fi likes to use it to mean "possessing higher-order reasoning skills like humans." Because it doesn't actually mean that, some people are reaching for the word "sapient" instead (which means "having wisdom or great understanding").
But yeah. Mind Control? That's asking to get your butt kicked.
Origin: 1425-75; late ME sapyent < L sapient- (s. of sapiēns, prp. of sapere to be wise, lit., to taste, have taste), equiv. to sapi- verb s. + -ent- -ent
Comments 49
Boy, I'd love to go PVPing with her.
Also, who are these "gods" she serves? All this seems rather extreme for an Elune worshipper.
"The gods"--that detail makes me think this is a plagiarism, or she created this character for another RPG and now wants to play it in WoW.
Also, I don't mind dual-classing...I kind of do it on my monk-like rogue...but I honestly have no idea why she needs to have this many powers. That's probably the more Mary Sue thing to me here than the backstory. Horny magical priesthunterdruidmage...fuck's sake, just PICK ONE.
I can't tell what it is, though. I mean, the "defying the gods" thing almost has a mythological ring to it, but I highly doubt it's mythological.
But it's gotta be something.
(also, prego-belly-carving: SQUICK!)
Was she going for something like "sapiens"? Or did she mean sentient?
Either way, no.
I'd love to see her have a go at mind control with any of my Alliance characters. Even the laid back, friendly one would be prone to dragging her out back and bringing out the sharp, druid-y claws.
I may need coffee.
But yeah. Mind Control? That's asking to get your butt kicked.
[sey-pee-uhnt] -adjective
Having or showing great wisdom or sound judgment.
1425-75; late ME sapyent < L sapient- (s. of sapiēns, prp. of sapere to be wise, lit., to taste, have taste), equiv. to sapi- verb s. + -ent- -ent
-Related forms
sa·pi·ence, sa·pi·en·cy, noun
sa·pi·ent·ly, adverb
un·sa·pi·ent, adjective
un·sa·pi·ent·ly, adverb
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