"Roleplaying With Class" threads: Opinions?

May 03, 2009 00:47

While browsing the official forums, I came upon what appear to be the first two of a series of roleplaying suggestions threads:

Part 1: Death Knights
Part 2: Druids

Now, some of these ideas (the basic RP suggestions and the "iconic powers") look okay.  But some of the material (such as...well, every one of her example characters except maybe the feral druid) looks suspiciously sparkly.  Anyone else have any thoughts on the subject?

ETA: exactly what is okay, and what is suspiciously sparkly.

Update:  Looks like some people have challenged her conclusions...but someone has also QQed about us.  Prepare for incoming butthurt.

look at moi, random, butthurt, forum drama, controversial statement, horrible relative

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