In between Mirai Yuuki and Koshino Ryuu, the fukumichou seem to be young these days. (Not any less awesome, of course, but younger).
All of the Hoffman role-switching confuses me, but it looks really cool anyway. Little Hanahi Mira is only a ken-1 and is getting a pretty big role, which for some reason makes me happy.
Yay for Hamako! I absolutely saw that coming. It makes me sad, though, because she's no longer regarded as "top star material" these days. Although she's far more talented than many others on the star track.
And now: ... ;___; They're moving Keiko to Senka. Away from Yukigumi and Hamako. In my own little world, that is just NOT RIGHT. ;___;
Komarov and Aguilar together again! *amused* I checked the cast list for real names and only found one; Touka Yurino will be our intrepid 1930s gossip columnist. The rest of the names are so common that I'd likely never find them anyway, though. Library it is. Thanks for typing everything up and posting it! ^_^
Nice to see new additions to Senka and Hamako as vice-kumichou is great news. I just hope that this isn't a trend of retiring Musumeyaku vice-kumichous because I don't want to loose Mari Yuzumi from Hoshigumi (not even to Senka.)
Comments 6
All of the Hoffman role-switching confuses me, but it looks really cool anyway. Little Hanahi Mira is only a ken-1 and is getting a pretty big role, which for some reason makes me happy.
And now: ... ;___; They're moving Keiko to Senka. Away from Yukigumi and Hamako. In my own little world, that is just NOT RIGHT. ;___;
*checks phone*
Teffy tried but my phone was still on vibrate from work ^^;
I checked the cast list for real names and only found one; Touka Yurino will be our intrepid 1930s gossip columnist. The rest of the names are so common that I'd likely never find them anyway, though. Library it is.
Thanks for typing everything up and posting it! ^_^
I just hope that this isn't a trend of retiring Musumeyaku vice-kumichous because I don't want to loose Mari Yuzumi from Hoshigumi (not even to Senka.)
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