Liir wandered in from his various activities... and passed out on the bed. After a second, though, it appeared as though he hadn't passed out so much as simply flopped.
Andrew smiled down at his boyfriend as he took a moment to switch out the paint colors on his airbrush. "Rough day?" he asked, clearing out the spray nozzle on a rag.
"Long. And my last final. And I still haven't figured out what I'm making for Karal tomorrow and it slipped my mind to go apologize to Millie for missing work last week and I think if I read another word on the nature of magical reality my head is going to fall in on itself."
Nevertheless, he dragged his bag up onto the bed and pulled the book he'd been working through out.
"I'm just glad I already have a suit for the dance."
Comments 39
Nevertheless, he dragged his bag up onto the bed and pulled the book he'd been working through out.
"I'm just glad I already have a suit for the dance."
He frowned at his artistic endeavor, obviously not pleased with something. A few quick passes with the airbrush solved the problem.
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